
  • About Gymnastics(Olympic sport since 1896) The Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) was formed on 23 July 1881 when representa...

  • About Canoe / Kayak (Olympic sport since 1936) 皮划艇概述(1936年成为奥运会正式比赛项目) The history of the canoe and kayak has been traced back thousands of years to w...

  • Weightlifting-Olympic sport since 1896举重-1896年成为奥运会比赛项目An ancient sport as old as mankind, embodying the most direct manifestation of human strength, ...

  • About Archery (Olympic sport since 1900)射箭概述(1900年成为奥运会正式比赛项目)Anyone familiar with the legend of Robin Hood knows archery competitions date back at le...

  • 古希腊是一个尚武的民族,在当时古希腊民族是以城邦为单位的分散小国。他们各自为政,城邦间常有并吞和争夺,没有统一的君主。连年的战争需要体格健壮、行动敏捷的士兵。所以集会比武是当时君主所发明的一项培养合格士兵的手段。伊利斯城邦人占据着奥林匹亚,而斯巴达人一直想并吞这块圣地。伊利斯城邦人顽强抵抗,而斯巴达...

  • In 1948, Sir Ludwig Guttmann organized a sports competition involving World War II veterans with a spinal cord injury in Stoke Mandeville, England. Fo...

  • 奥林匹克运动兴起于欧洲资本主义工业化时代,但其渊源可以追溯到古希腊的奥林匹克运动会。古代奥运会为祭祀希腊的万神之王宙斯神而设立,每四年一届,在古希腊最著名的宗教祭祀圣地奥林匹亚举行。从公元前776年开始,到公元393年结束,古代奥运会共举行了293届,历时1169年,其延续时间之长,影响之深远,在...

  • 关于奥运会的起源,有许多美丽的传说。有人说是神的首创,有人说是英雄的壮举。就让我们一起走入历史去看看吧!。There are many different stories about the beginning of the Olympics. One myth says that the guar...

  • 英语中有许多惯用语 (idiom) 都是源自各种运动术语。这些惯用语除了用做字面的意思之外,经常还含有隐喻 (metaphor) 的意思。【田径】track and field jump the gun:(字面) 偷跑。田径比赛时,裁判还没有鸣枪,选手就抢先起跑了。(比喻) 过早采取行动。如果用在合...

  • During early pregnancy, miscarriage may be more likely among women with high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to a study published onl...

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