
  • Can I book a trip to Xi'an?我能预订去西安的旅程吗?A: Good morning! I'd like to book a trip to Xi'an.A: 早上好!我想预订去西安的旅程。B: When do you want to go? B: 你...

  • DialogueL=Lorei M=MikeL: What a game! I like playing man-to-man defense, while I can keep my guy from scoring.L: 多精彩的比赛!我喜欢这种一对一的防守赛,这样我可以阻止对手得分。M: Ye...

  • It's been a busy week./这是繁忙的一周。A: How are things, Neil?A: 你好吗,尼尔?B: I'm tired. It's been a busy week.B: 我很累。这是繁忙的一周。A: Maybe you should ta...

  • Name: Guo Jingjing Gender: WDate of birth: 15/10/81 Place of birth: Baoding, Hebei Province Height: 163cm Weight: 48kg Sport: Diving 2007年游泳世锦赛正在澳大利亚墨...

  • Can I book the tickets online? /我能在网上订票吗?DialougeA: Do you know when you want to fly to Shanghai?A: 你知道你什么时候想飞往上海吗? B: Not yet, but I'll decide wh...

  • 体操比赛的内容不断变化,除了单杠、双杠等一些体操器械项目外,还包括了爬绳、轻器械团体操、鞍马、吊环、跳马、双杠、单杠;女子为四项:跳马、高低杠、平衡木、自由体操。女子在1952年和1956年仍保留了团体轻器械比赛。DialogueM=MaryA=AmyM: I want to learn gymna...

  • He's a sports journalist.他是一名体育记者。A: You're right. Jobs in the media can be interesting.A: 你说得对。媒体工作很有趣。B: I know. My friend works for a newsp...

  • 3月27日就是第29届北京奥运会倒计时500天的日子,您知道如何用英语表达倒计时”吗?快来看下面这句话:Ten thousand Beijingers took a 18-kilometer walk in Beijing's Chaoyang Park to mark the ...

  • DialogueL=LuckN=NeilL: Neil, come here quickly! Look, what a match!L: Neil, 快来看!多精彩的比赛啊!N: I'm coming! What's the score now?N: 我就来!现在比分是多少?L: ...

  • Wayne RooneyPosition: Forward Place of Birth: Croxteth, England Date Of Birth: 24/ 10/ 1985 Height: 5'10 Weight: 12st 5lbs Wonder boy Wayne Rooney...