
  • 爱思英语编者按:科比·布莱恩特(1978年8月23日-),美国职业篮球运动员,自1996年起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,是前NBA篮球运动员乔·布莱恩特的儿子。...

  • 爱思英语编者按:姑娘们陪男票看NBA比赛直播的时候,听着解说员快速说出一连串术语却不知所措?下面这一组篮球术语或许能帮你解围。...

  • penalty点球;referee 裁判;coach 教练;fan 球迷;defender, back guard 后卫;goal keeper, goalie 守门员;forward, striker 前锋;center field 中场;goal 进球;overhead kick倒勾球;form...

  • 爱思英语编者按:NBA赛季又到了,你是NBA球迷吗?你知道球场上的术语用英语怎么表达呢?本文为你提供最全的NBA术语解析,自我测验一下吧!你是NBA的铁杆粉丝吗? 自测一下NBA术语知多少Air ball: Sarcastic term to describe a shot that doesn&#...

  • sign-and-trade 先签后换,NBA的一种交易球员的方式。mid-level exception 中产阶级条款,即允许球队给任何一个球员一份等同于每年的NBA平均工资的合约,不受工资帽的限制。One of the glaring questions this offsesason was ...

  • Under the new proposal, the top four seeds would be slotted by record among the three division winners and the team with the next-best record.按照新的提议,三...

  • hack-a-Shaq 砍鲨战术。“砍鲨战术”由小牛队前主教练老尼尔森发明,即采用犯规战术对付奥尼尔,减少“鲨鱼”投篮命中的机会。由于罚球是奥尼尔的“死穴”,所以“砍鲨”后,他虽然获得了罚球的机会,但是命中的可能性非常小。本次总决赛前5场,奥尼尔44罚13中,命中率为20.5%。Johnson wa...

  • The Detroit Pistons' 79-61 victory against the Cleveland Cavaliers was the first of three Game 7's that will be played within 31 hours. This i...

  • It's a fitful year. The Heat sleepwalk through some games, look like world-beaters in others and seem to be biding their time until the playoffs.对...

  • "We got impatient on offense and that played into their hands. In the first half they picked us apart." Kings coach Rick Adelman said.“我们在进攻...

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