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你是NBA的铁杆粉丝吗? 自测一下NBA术语知多少

Air ball: Sarcastic term to describe a shot that doesn't touch the rim.
三不沾(air ball):术语——用来讽刺不沾篮筐的投篮。

Alley-oop pass: A pass thrown to a player who is running toward the basket. The second player leaps, catches the ball in midair, and dunks it or lays it in before he lands.
空中接力传球(alley-oop pass):把球传给正在跑向篮筐的球员。第二个球员跳跃,在空中接住球,在他落地前扣篮或者上篮。

Assist: A pass that leads directly to a basket.

Backcourt: A team's defensive half of the court. As it refers to players, a team's guards.

Backdoor play: A fundamental basketball play in which one player passes to a teammate in the high post, and when the defenders follow the ball, another player cuts to the basket from the opposite side of the court to take a pass for an open shot.
溜底线或被切打法(backdoor play):最基本的篮球打法——球员传球给站在高位的队友,当防守队员跟球后,另一个队员从球场的另一边切到球以寻找投球空位。

Bank shot: A shot that is aimed at a spot on the backboard so that it caroms, or "banks," into the basket
擦板入蓝(bank shot):以篮板上一点为目标投篮,所以球可以反弹,或者“擦板”进入篮筐里

Baseline: The line at each end of the court, under each basket. Also: endline.

Bench: Reserves.

Bounce pass: A pass thrown by a player to a teammate that bounces on the floor.
击地传球(bounce pass):一名球员将球击地传给队友。

Box out: Use your body to stay between an opponent and the basket and thus get into better position for a rebound.
抢位挡人(box out):用身体挡在对手和篮板之间,以找到一个更好的篮板球位置。

Brick: A hard, errant shot that caroms wildly off the basket or backboard.

Bunny: An open, uncontested shot, usually a layup or dunk. Also: snowbird.
突破上篮(bunny, snowbird):空位,没有防守的投篮,通常是灌篮或扣篮。

Bury: Sink (a shot), as in "bury a jumper."

Charging: A violation in which an offensive player runs into a stationary opponent.

Chucker: A player who never met a shot he didn't like.

Coast-to-coast: From one end of the court to the other.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: The agreement between the NBA and the Players Association that governs all terms and conditions of employment of NBA players by NBA teams.
NBA劳资协议(collective bargaining agreement):NBA和球员协会签订的协议,包括了所有的NBA球队中的NBA球员雇佣的条约和条件。

Cut: A quick move by an offensive player, usually toward the basket, to get in position for a shot.

Dead-ball foul: A foul committed while the clock is stopped and the ball is not in play.
死球犯规(dead-ball foul):指当24秒已到时,球还没开始打。

Deny the ball: Prevent an opponent from getting the ball by guarding him closely and staying between him and the player in possession of the ball.
绕前防守(deny the ball):球员得球时防止对手通过近身防守得球或挡在他中间。

Double dribble: A violation in which a player dribbles the ball, stops, then begins to dribble again.
两次运球(double dribble):球员运球,停止,接着又开始二次运球为犯规。

Double-team: The defensive tactic of two players guarding one.

Downtown: Far from the basket, often synonymous with beyond the three-point arc.

Draft: The annual selection process by which NBA teams select players from the colleges and elsewhere.

Dribble: Bounce the ball.

Dunk: A shot thrown downward through the basket, with one or two hands. Also: slam, slam-dunk, jam

Fast break: A play in which a team gains possession and then pushes the ball downcourt quickly, hoping to get a good shot off before the other team has a chance to get back and set up on defense.
快攻(fast break):球队控球时的一种打法。控球后把球迅速传回后半场,希望在另一队回防前能得到一次好的投球机会,然后重新防守。

Field goal: A basket, worth either two or three points, depending on whether it was taken from inside or outside the three-point line (set at 22 feet from the basket).
投篮命中(field goal):两分或三分球,取决于是在三分线以内还是以外投篮(三分线距离篮筐22英尺)。

Flagrant foul: Unnecessary and/or excessive contact committed against an opponent.
恶意犯规(flagrant foul):与对手不必要的或者过度接触。

Foul: A violation. Usually, illegal contact between two players.

Foul trouble: When a player is nearing the limit for personal fouls before he is ejected from the game, or a team is nearing the limit in each period after which all fouls become shooting fouls.
犯规麻烦(foul trouble):指一个球员个人犯规次数快要达到底限而快要不能继续比赛,或者指每一节中球队所有犯规都变成打手犯规,球队快要面临底限。

Free agent: A player not under contract to any NBA team because his contract has expired or was terminated by his team in accordance with NBA waiver procedures, or because he was eligible for an NBA Draft and was never signed to an NBA contract.
自由人(free agent):没有与任何NBA球队签约的球员,因为他的合约已经到期或者由于球队为了与NBA豁免流程相一致而被球队终止比赛,或者因为他可能在NBA选秀中被选上,也可能再也不与NBA签约。

Free throw: An uncontested shot from 15 feet, worth one point. A player who is fouled while in the act of shooting receives two free throws. Also: foul shot.
罚球(free throw,foul shot):距篮筐15英尺的无竞争的投篮,值一分。当球员阻止二分投篮时会被l两次罚球。

Frontcourt: A team's offensive half of the court. As it refers to players, a team's center and forwards.
