1983年6月出生的韩端是中国女足又一名杰出的前锋。她门前感觉非常好,技术出众,尽管体能并不出众,但随着年龄的增长,她必将成为女足世界杯和08奥运的希望之星。 2007女足世界杯决赛阶段的分组抽签刚在武汉揭晓,东道主中国队同巴西、新西兰、丹麦同分在D组。在抽签仪式后,韩端接受了记者的采访。对于这个抽签结果,韩端表示不论什么结果都应去精心准备,对于强队来说并没有死亡之组的说法,对于中国队的目标,韩端充满了信心,并希望广大球迷多为中国女足加油。 Having picked up her first national team cap back in 2000, Han Duan is considered something of a veteran at 23, and helps form a small, experienced core at the heart of the Chinese women's team. Given the impressive reputation she has developed during her seven-year international career, it will come as no surprise that the hosts are pinning their hopes of winning women football's ultimate prize on the speedy striker. |