It's good to get the chance to speak it. 有机会说英语很重要。
A: 最好的方法是找机会说英语。 B: Yes, it's the best practice. B: 是的,这是最好的练习方法。 A: I can go out with friends who speak English – and it's better than a lesson! A: 我可以和说英语的朋友一起出去——比上一堂英语课效果还好! B: Well, I guess that's because it's real. B: 哦,我想这是因为你是在实际操练英语。 A: Yes, definitely. It's a much better experience. You might not understand everything, or be able to say everything you want – but it's still good. A: 是的,没错。这种经历好多了。你可能不明白所有的意思,或者不能说出所有你想说的话——但仍然很有帮助。 B: That's true – it's the best thing - keep using it, keep trying. B: 是这样——这是最好的方法——不停地使用,不停地练习。 Notes 注释