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IOC President Rogge arrives in Beijing to attend SportAccord

国际奥委会主席罗格于昨日抵达北京罗格出席2007年国际体育大会,出席在京举行的2007年国际体育大会。北京奥组委执行副主席兼秘书长王伟,国际奥委会执委、北京奥组委执行副主席于再清,国际奥委会文化与教育委员会主席、北京奥组委执委何振梁在首都国际机场迎接了罗格一行。 国际体育大会,又名“SPORTACCORD”,每年举行一次。2007年国际体育大会将于4月23日至27日在北京香格里拉饭店召开。这也是北京奥组委迄今承办的规模最大、层次最高的国际会议。


IOC President Jacques Rogge (left) and BOCOG Executive Vice-President Wang Wei

President of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge arrived in Beijing on Monday to attend the 2007 SportAccord convention, the largest and most influential meeting in world's sports circles.

The annual international meeting brings together the International Sports Federations affiliated to GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federations), ASOIF (Association of Summer Olympic International Federations) and AIOWF (Association of the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations).

This year's convention takes place in Beijing from April 23 to 27.

During his stay in Beijing, the IOC President will receive updates on the preparatory work for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and attend to various matters.


SportAccord convention:国际体育大会

GAISF:General Association of International Sports Federations 国际单项体育联合总会

ASOIF:Association of Summer Olympic International Federations 夏季奥运会单项体育联合总会

AIOWF:Association of the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations 冬季奥运会单项体育联合总会
