Where can I get a phonecard for my mobile? 我在哪里能买到手机电话卡? A My phone is running out. Where can I get a phonecard for my mobile? A 我的电话费快用完了。在哪里能够买到手机电话卡 ? B You can get them at most of the newspaper kiosks in the street. B 在大多数马路上的书报亭里都能买到。 A Good. That sounds easy. I’ll buy one as soon as possible. A 好。听起来很容易。我要尽快买一张。 B Yes, you’ll need your mobile. B 是啊,你需要用手机打电话。 You also talk about phonecards and how much money or time you have on your mobile. 你也谈论电话卡,以及你的手机还有多少话费或者还能打多长时间。 |