banana kick 弧线球
Banana kick is a type of kick that gives the ball a curved trajectory, used to get the ball around an obstacle such as a goaltender or defender. Banana kick指以弧线运行的球,多是为了让球绕过守门员或者后卫。也就是大家熟知的“弧线球”。 之所以用banana命名,大概是因为弧线球的运行轨迹跟稍有弯度的香蕉外形类似吧,所以现在大家也就直呼其为“香蕉球”了。 Bicycle kick (also known as overhead kick) describes a situation when a player kicks the ball in mid-air backwards and over his own head. Bicycle kick(也可用overhead kick表示)指球员在腾空状态下、且头下脚上将球往后踢的动作。也就是传说中的“倒钩球”。 |