
: 英语巴士网行业英语体育英语行业英语内容详情




Bench refers to:

(a) The substitute players of a team

(b) In football stadiums, the sitting area for the staff and substitutes of a team


Cap is the participation of a player in an international match, whether as a starter or substitute: one cap equals one international appearance; the term’s origin is from the United Kingdom, where players used to be given a cap for every international game they play.


If a goalkeeper does not allow a goal until the end of the match, he is said to have kept a "clean sheet"

Clean sheet指整场比赛中守门员没让对方打进一个球,也就是“零失球”。

Lost the dressing room is a term which describes a manager in a situation where he has lost the confidence of players and is about to be fired; "dressing room" is an idiom which refers to the players of a team.

Lost the dressing room指全体队员对主教练失去了信心,即将被炒鱿鱼,dressing room(更衣室)多指球队的全体队员。
