Bing Dwen Dwen 冰墩墩
北京冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”近日引爆购买潮,导致“一墩难求”。北京冬奥组委2月6日回应说,正在协调相关方面加大对冰墩墩的供应。 Beijing Winter Olympics organizers will increase the product offerings for the mascot Bing Dwen Dwen, a spokesman said on Sunday in response to the rising popularity of the mascot and a recent shortage of stock. 中国通过筹办冬奥会,成功带动3亿人参与冰雪运动,推动了区域发展、生态建设、绿色创新、人民生活改善,为全球冰雪运动发展开辟了更为广阔的空间。 By preparing for and organizing the Winter Games, we have successfully engaged 300 million Chinese in sport on snow and ice. We have also promoted regional development, ecological conservation, green and innovative solutions and the betterment of people's lives in China, and created greater space for the development of winter sport worldwide. ——2月3日,习近平向国际奥委会第139次全会开幕式发表视频致辞 |