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When's the big holiday period in Beijing?


A: When's the big holiday period in Beijing?

A: 在北京大的节假日是哪段时间?

B: We have a big holiday in October. October 1st is National Day. We usually get a few days for vacation. Sometimes, we even get a week.

B: 我们在10月有一个长假。10月1日是国庆节。我们通常有几天的假期。一般是一周时间。

A: That sounds good.

A: 听起来很好。

B: It is. And we also have the New Year and Spring Festival holidays early in the year.

B: 是的。在年初我们还有新年和春节。

A: That must be busy.

A: 那时候一定很繁忙。

B: It is. The train stations and the airports are really busy.

B: 是的,火车站和飞机场都非常繁忙。


1. If you want to ask, or talk about public/national holidays, you can say: We have a big holiday in October; What holidays do you have in America? 如果你想问或者谈论和公共节日/法定假日有关的事情,你可以说:We have a big holiday in October (我们在十月有一个长假); What holidays do you have in America? (美国有哪些节日?)

2. You can also descibe specific holidays, e.g. New Year and the Spring Festival are big holidays. 你也可以描述具体的假日,如 New Year and the Spring Festival are big holidays (新年和春节是大的节日)。
