奥运会的水上运动包括:Swimming(游泳),Water polo(水球),Diving(跳水),and Synchronized swimming(花样游泳)
Swimming has been on the Olympic Games programme since the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896.从1896年雅典的第一次现代奥运会开始,游泳就是奥运会上的正式项目了。
Synchronized swimming is often described as"water ballet".花样游泳也叫“水上芭蕾”
The water polo was developed in Europe,it was termed softball water polo.
swimming lane 泳道
water-skiing 滑水
goggles 护目镜
bathing costume 游泳衣
natatorium 游泳馆
bathing cap 游泳帽
playing pool 水球场
cork hoop 救生圈 |