浪漫暑假栽种熏衣草Grow Lavender
![]() During my summer vacation, I would like to liven up my garden with lavender. First, I will plant some seeds around the garden. Then I will water the lavender every day. I hope the lavender will grow up fast so I can see the pretty flowers. Once I have finished, I want to send some seeds to my friends. This way, I can share my summer vacation with them. ---Lisa 猜猜哪种植物是紫色的而且闻起来很香呢?你答对了!那就是熏衣草,一种娇小又美丽的花。 我想在暑假时用熏衣草来装饰我的花园,使它变得有生气。首先,我会在花园的四周播种。然后,我会每天浇水。我希望熏衣草快快长大,那样我就可以看到漂亮的花儿了。 而一旦种植完毕,我想送朋友们一些种子。这样一来,我就能跟他们一同分享我的暑假了。 ──莉萨 |