1908年伦敦曾主办第四届奥运会,40年后,世界选手又再次在这里聚会。这是第二次世界大战中断了12年后举行的首届运动会,是奥林匹克运动的新起点。人们在长期的战争中饱尝了家园被毁、亲人死去的痛苦,但在这里又领略了和平和友谊的幸福。第二次世界大战后,不少国家摆脱了殖民统治。它们虽来不及派训练有素的选手参赛,但纷纷应邀参加了这次盛会。 KEY FACTS Opening date: 29 July 1948 Closing date:14 August 1948 The Host City: London(Britain) Sports: 17 LONDON 1948 Games of the XIV Olympiad The 1948 London Games were the first to be shown on home television, although very few people in Great Britain actually owned sets. A women's canoeing event was held for the first time - and won by Karen Hoff of Denmark. 17-year-old American Bob Mathias won the decathlon only four months after taking up the sport. He is the youngest athlete in Olympic history to win a men's athletics event. Two athletes who were Olympic champions in 1936 managed to defend their titles twelve years later. They were Ilona Elek of Hungary in women's foil fencing and Jan Brzak of Czechoslovakia in the canoeing Canadian pairs 1,000m. Fanny Blankers-Koen of the Netherlands was the world record holder in six events, but, according to the rules of the day, was only allowed to enter four. She won all four: the 100m dash, the 80m hurdles, the 200m and the 4x100m relay. Concert pianist Micheline Ostermeyer of France won both the shot put and the discus throw. Karoly Takacs was a member of the Hungarian world champion pistol shooting team in 1938 when a grenade shattered his right hand - his pistol hand. Takacs taught himself to shoot with his left hand and, ten years later, he won an Olympic gold medal in the rapid-fire pistol event. Do You Know?第一次有了电视转播 First Games shown on television. 注释:Athletics: n. 运动 |