
: 英语巴士网行业英语体育英语行业英语内容详情



球场 playing court ?????? ?分位线 lane place line

篮球 basketball ?????????罚球线 free throw line

边线 side line ???????? ?罚球区 free throw lane

中线 center line ??????? ?三分线 three point line

端线 end line ??????????限制区 restricted area

界线 boundary line????????位置区 lane place

前场 front court?????????中立区 neutral zone

中场 mid court ???????? ?球队席 team bench

后场 back court ?????????篮架支柱 basket post

中圈 centre circle ?????? ?用过的球 used ball

篮圈 ring ????????????本方球篮 own basket

篮网 net ??????????? ?对方球篮 opponet's basket

篮板 backboard??????????犯规次数牌 foul markers

球篮 basket ???????????全队犯规标志team foul marker

篮架 basket support ???????替补队员席 substitude bench

开表 game clock ?????????技术设备 technical equipment

停表 stop the clock ???????球队席区域 team bench areas

哨 whistle????????????球场面积 dimension of the court

三分投篮区 three-point field goal areas
