Golf: first step to play
(Golf 球场,他们刚刚进入球场,Nathan做吹嘘状) 慧慧: Nathan刚才跟我这瞎吹半天,其实我估计他也就是个业余水平,嗯,,我先不告诉他我以前也玩过,一会给他个surprise! Nathan: hey, what are you talking? Whatever, have you ever played it before? 慧慧: 我以前当然没打过了,今天第一回,Nathan你可得教教我啊 Nathan:Sure, Sure. 我绝对奉陪到底啊 Huihui:好啊好啊,一言为定,不许反悔啊 Nathan:I promise you. Part II 进入高尔夫的话题 Nathan:come on huihui, you go ahead play it, and I can be your Caddie 慧慧: 你想做我的Caddie? 可什么是Caddie? Nathan:哦?你不知道嘛,Caddie就是….就是professor的意思,I can be your teacher 慧慧: 蒙我是吧,赶紧坦白从宽吧你就 Nathan:又被识破了…好吧,Caddie就是Ball boy球童的意思 Huihui:噢,原来这样啊Caddie和ball boy都是球童的意思 Nathan:but the word of ball boy is mostly used in tennis, but caddie used in golf, and caddie always do as an assistant in the play. 慧慧: 噢,原来是这样啊,不过干吗要给我当球童嘛,咱俩一起打呗,比赛吧好不好? Nathan:huh? 那不成我欺负你了嘛, but oh ok, This course is a par 36 so I’ll give you a handicap of 10 ok? 慧慧: ??怎么回事怎么回事?我占什么便宜了? Nathan:这一洞是36杆标准杆的,我让你10杆怎么样? And the one who win treat the other to lunch. Deal? Huihui:emm….谁赢了谁就要请吃饭啊,emm… Nathan: wanna win me over, no way! 我要好好想想中午宰她一顿什么Deal? 慧慧: 不就是一顿饭么,Deal!那咱们就开始吧。 Part III (两人在球场,装备整齐,跃跃欲试,挥杆欲打) Nathan:hey, you sure you bring your wallet? 慧慧: 问我带钱包了没有?噢,这就惦记上您那顿午饭了是吧,放心放心,我哪会赖帐,咱们就开始吧,不过先说啊,你可得让着我啊。 Nathan: Sure I’ll help you. Ok, let me tee up first so you can watch how I swing. 慧慧: oh,tee up? Nathan: oh, tee up就是把球放在这个上面。 Nathan:Look,that’s it. Tee up. huihui:I see, go ahead. Nathan: Ok, there is a little cross wind coming from the left 有一点风从左边吹过来,so try to aim the ball a little to the left of where you want it to land.所以要把球稍微往左边打一点。Look! [Nathan单人击球] Nathan: Well, That’s not to bad I guess. Ok Huihui let’s see what you got. 慧慧: So, I hold the club like this right? [Nathan示范握杆,huihui模仿] Nathan: Very good. 慧慧: 然后我就朝着那边的小旗子打对么? Nathan:yea, we call it flagstick, just hit the way down there. Nathan: Don’t worry about getting it that far, but yes hit it in that direction. [huihui单人击球 hits the ball beautifully down the fairway and close to the green.] 慧慧: 呦,Nathan,你看我这样打算好球吗? Nathan: yea, yea that was very good for a beginner Huihui. Hey, wait, is it the first time you play golf? 慧慧: 现在该我问你了,Nathan,你带好钱包了吗? var para_count=45 |