
: 英语巴士网行业英语体育英语行业英语内容详情



Nathan开始做zigzag, 前进…

Hui : Nathan,跑步不好好跑,又搞什么花活呢?

Nathan: 什么叫不好好跑,I figure that I should work on some vital running skills like weaving and dodging.

Hui : ??

Nathan在公园小路上weaving and dodging…

hui : weaving and dogging? 不会是织布和养狗吧?可这跟橄榄球有什么关联呢?还是又是我搞错了?不行,我得问问…


Hui : Nathan, 你刚才说什么weaving and dogging, 怎么练习橄榄球还跟什么织布、养狗的搀和在一块儿?

Nathan: ?Ah, I said weaving and dodging. 不是dogging.

Hui: dodging? 哦,dodge 是躲闪的意思。所以你说的dodging就是橄榄球运动员在场上左右躲闪对方防守的练习.

Nathan: right. When another player tries to tackle me I need to be able to move out of his way quickly. That’s what dodging is.

Hui: Oh, like dodging the bullet right?

Nathan: uh huh, in fact dodging the bullet is a special expression that means to narrowly avoid trouble.

Hui : 原来dodging the bullet是指的幸免一难的意思,可不要望文生义,理解为躲什么子弹。

Nathan: right. For example, he should have been punished for what he did, but he dodging the bullet somehow.

Hui : 嗯,上次Nathan很不情愿地被邀请参加橄榄球比赛,但赛后居然没有受伤,我是不是也可以说:Nathan dodged the bullet in the last rugby match.

Nathan: J,

Hui: 诶?dodging drill既然是一种躲闪的练习,那么你刚才说的weaving 也一定不是什么织布的意思喽?

Nathan:you know how to weave?

Hui:: 不就是这么左一下、右一下的么?哦,我明白了。像你刚才那样左右摆动的向前跑的练习,就可以叫做weaving drill.

Nathan: right. So weaving through sth. helps us redirect our momentum faster and get past the obstacles.

Hui : 照你的解释,weave thru 就是迂回穿行的意思,so can I say: Sometimes, I weave through people on the streetJ

Nathan: Yeah, you weave through traffic every day to try and go faster.

Hui: 诶?那么你不是应该到人最多的大街上去练习dodging and weaving.

Nathan: Well, how about this, You stand here between these trees and try to touch me when I run by. I’ll try to run past you without getting tagged.

Hui: Ok,

慧慧和Nathan在公园的树丛中嬉戏,练习weaving drill…慧慧总是拍不到nathan…

hui: 嘿,想不你这躲来躲去的功夫还真行。

Nathan: Did I mention that I have one of the best yardage records in the league. That basically means that I almost never get tackled.

Hui: the best yardage records, 我知道这个yardage在美式橄榄中是对锋线队员摆脱对方防守所能跑的最远距离。你竟然还保持联赛中这项记录?

Nathan: right.

Hui: 还真没看出来,Nathan的这套weaving and dodging 还真有点像段公子的粼波微步。甭管能不能攻击别人,反正能先保住自己。

Nathan: 哦,I never attack others and I don’t throw either.

Hui : ??

Nathan: since I’m not a quarterback, my most important skills are catching the ball and running down the field without getting tackled.

Hui : 哦,可是你为什么总是跑来跑去的,没见你练习过catching 什么的练习?

Nathan: aaaah…. actually, I’m usually a decoy runner.

Hui : Decoy runner? Decoy 我记得好像是诱骗、引导的意思。

Nathan: right, so a decoy runner like me, rarely has to catch the ball. I just kind of run around pretending I have the ball…

Hui: heeeeey, Nathan, 我又抓到你在吹牛皮了。人家抱球突破的距离才算是 yardage呢,你这个空着手的满场跑是没有人理你!…

Nathan: (so what? I ‘m still proud of myself ! )

