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Call for submission of Calligraphic and Poster Creations on the Theme Slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

I. Name of the event

Call for submission of calligraphic and poster creations on the theme slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (hereinafter referred to as the Call)

II. Theme of creation

One World One Dream (Theme Slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games)

  III. Hosting organizations

Hosts: Culture and Ceremonies Department, Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (hereinafter referred to as BOCOG)

Chinese Artists Association

Chinese Calligraphers Association

Co-host: School of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University

IV. Type of works to be submitted

1. Chinese calligraphy

2. Poster Design

V. Terms and conditions of participation

1. Target audience

The Call aims at all those who share our passion for the Olympic Movement and who are interested in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

2. Requirements on the submitted works

1) Chinese calligraphy

a. Words to be written: 同一个世界 同一个梦想(One World One Dream)

b. One participant is to submit one piece of work only. Submission of 2 and above creations will be seen as forsaking by the participant and the works thus submitted will be regarded as disqualified and won’t be evaluated.

c. The work should be written in Chinese brush. While there is no restriction on the style of calligraphy, horizontal (left to right) writings are encouraged. The paper bearing the writings should not exceed 1000mm in breadth or lengthwise. It should not be mounted

2) Poster design

a. The design should understand and catch in a creative way the concept of One World One dream, revealing the Olympic Spirit inherent in the Slogan.

b. One participant is to submit one piece of work only. Submission of 2 and above creations will be seen as forsaking by the participant and the works thus submitted will be regarded as disqualified and won’t be evaluated.

c. It should contain the wordings of同一个世界 同一个梦想 (the slogan in Chinese) or One World One Dream (the slogan in English), while the typeface or script is at the participant’s free choice.

d. The poster should be in B5 breadth (176 x 250mm) and stored in Jpge or Tif format, with a resolution of 300dpi.

e. The design could be printed or painted on a B5 piece of paper, and then mounted on an A4 paper. Horizontal and vertical designs are both acceptable.

f. Submission should include both the printed and the electronic (CD-ROM) versions

VI. Documents required for eligible participation

1. All participants should submit a filled-up entry form and signed statement of the participant, along with the submission of their creations. Both documents can be downloaded from the official website of BOCOG (www.beijing2008.com).

2. For poster designs, the two documents, when filled up and signed, are to be pasted to the back of the mounts; for works of calligraphy, signature by the participant and contact means should be affixed in pencil on bottom right of the reverse side, and the filled-up entry form and signed statement are to be handed in together with the submitted works in one sealed envelope

3. All submissions, as well as all the info, mails, notifications, complaints or applications to and from the Collection Office (see below), should be in either Chinese or English. If both languages are used, the Chinese shall prevail in case of discrepancy.

  VII. Procedure and rules for submission

1. All submitted works shall be addressed to the following address through registered mail or express delivery by the participant or his/her authorized representative:

Collection office, submissions of calligraphic and poster creations on the theme slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 100084

Participants should retain the original post receipt and make constant checks to see if his/her submissions are delivered in time.

The Collection Office assumes no liability for failure of mail delivery, late delivery, damages or loss incurred on the way of delivery.

2. The Collection Office will then make an examination of the submissions. Incomplete submissions or submissions that do not accord with the requirements of the Call (referring to v.2) may be disqualified at the sole discretion of the Collection Office.

3. Deadline of submission: 17:30 (Beijing time), Thursday, November 10, 2005. The postmark will serve as proof.

4. No submissions will be returned.

5. All submissions shall be submitted in the format as described herein below:

1) In sealed envelopes, bearing the file name of:

Submissions of calligraphy on the theme slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, or

Submissions of poster design on the theme slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

2) To the following addressee:

Collection office, Submissions of calligraphic and poster creations on the theme slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and

3) With remarks: This mail is to be unsealed only by the Collection office, Submissions of calligraphic and poster creations on the theme slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

VIII. Evaluation of the Submissions

1. All submitted works will be evaluated by a panel of experts convened by the hosting organizations.

2. Participants can have access to the result of the evaluation through the news media or by logging onto the official website of BOCOG.

3. First, second, third prizes and works of excellence will be awarded respectively in the categories of Calligraphic and Poster creations as follows:

First Prize Certificate with a cash bonus of RMB 2,008 each, for 10 people

Second Prize Certificate with a cash bonus of RMB1,000 each, for 30 people

Third Prize Certificate with a cash bonus of RMB 500 each, for 60 people

Works of Excellence Certificate, for 100 people


Culture and Ceremonies Department, BOCOG

Chinese Artists Association

Chinese Calligraphers Association

September 15, 2005 





同一个世界 同一个梦想

One World One Dream














(1)书写内容:同一个世界 同一个梦想




(1)创造性的理解和表达北京奥运会主题口号“同一个世界 同一个梦想”的理念,传达口号所体现的奥林匹克精神。


(3)海报设计方案必须有中文口号“同一个世界 同一个梦想”或英文口号“One World One Dream”,字体可自由设计。



































