北京奥运非奢华 确保盈利
9月11日下午,北京奥组委执行副主席蒋效愚,在第三届世界华文传媒论坛上,做了《2008奥运·中国·北京》的主题发言。他透露,北京奥运会将按照量入为出、收支平衡、确保略有结余来安排预算,“预计1600万美元的盈余是有把握的”。 Beijing will spend less on staging the Olympic Games than Athens, according to Jiang Xiaoyu, executive vice-president of Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games. The 2004 Olympics cost Athens 2.4 billion US dollars. Jiang Xiaoyu made the remarks at a forum of International Chinese Media in Wuhan. He said further that Beijing will continue to observe the principle of a "frugal Olympics" in organizing the 2008 Games. Beijing has an original operating budget of 1.609 billion US dollars for the Games, and expects to earn 1.625 billion US dollars. |