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 驳斥传言阿姆斯特朗考虑重返环法赛七次环法自行车大赛冠军阿姆斯特朗正在考虑参加明年的环法大赛,获得第八个冠军,以发泄最近一段时间说他使用违禁药物宣传的愤慨。 阿姆斯特朗说:“退休之后,我与克罗、我的孩子在一起非常快乐。但是最近法国掀起的这些风言风语已经挑起我的战斗欲望。“

After winning his seventh Tour de France title, Lance Armstrong stepped off the winner's podium in Paris and into retirement, declaring, "I'm finished." Six weeks later, he's already talking about a comeback.

Recently engaged to rocker girlfriend Sheryl Crow, Armstrong issued a statement Tuesday confirming that he's contemplating a return to competitive cycling in part because he knows how much it would rankle French media who believe his record of seven straight Tour wins is tainted by drug use.

When he retired, Armstrong said he was looking forward to time away from the grueling months of training and six-hour rides around the countryside. He planned to spend a few days "with a beer, having a blast" with time dedicated to playing with his three young children from his first marriage. 

But he's been dogged in recent weeks with allegations of performance-enhancing drug use. On Aug. 23, the French newspaper L'Equipe reported it had evidence that six of Armstrong's urine samples from the 99 Tour tested positive last year for the blood booster EPO. The substance was banned in 1999, but there was no reliable test at the time. Armstrong has angrily denied the charge, saying he was a victim of a "setup." 

Armstrong had said he'd be back on the Tour next year, as adviser for the Discovery Channel team. Now it could be as the lead rider.   
