
: 英语巴士网行业英语体育英语行业英语内容详情



She's Korean.


A: Did you watch TV last night? Did you see that singer?

A: 你昨晚看电视了吗? 你看到那位歌手了吗?

B: At the concert on TV?

B: 电视音乐会上的那位?

A: Yes, that one. She was so good. I really liked her songs and her voice.

A: 是的,就是那位。她很棒。我非常喜欢她的歌和她的声音。

B: You should buy her CD.

B: 你应该买她的CD。

A: Maybe I will. Is she Chinese?

A: 也许我会买的。她是中国人吗?

B: No, she's Korean! But she's incredibly popular in China.

B: 不,她是韩国人!但是她在中国相当受欢迎。

Notes 注释

1. Remember questions about something in the past, usually starting with Did . . .? / Did . . .? e.g.: Did you see that singer? / Did you see that singer?

记住多过去事情的提问通常以Did . . .? / 开头。例如: Did you see that singer? /你看到那位歌手了吗?

2. Korea / Korean: 韩国/韩国的
