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HELSINKI 1952 Medal 赫尔辛基奥运会奖牌

历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952)For these Games, the picture of victory is accompanied by the specific inscription: "XV OLYMPIA HELSINKI 1952". On the reverse, an Olympic champion carried in triumph by the crowd, with the Olympic stadium in the background.  

LONDON 1948 Medal 伦敦奥运会奖牌

For these Games, the picture of victory is accompanied by the specific inscription:历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952) "XIV OLYMPIAD LONDON 1948". On the reverse, an Olympic champion carried in triumph by the crowd, with the Olympic stadium in the background.


BERLIN 1936 Medal 柏林奥运会奖牌

历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952)For these Games, the picture of victory is accompanied by the specific inscription: ""XI. OLYMPIADE BERLIN 1936". On the reverse, an Olympic champion carried in triumph by the crowd, with the Olympic stadium in the background.


LOS ANGELES 1932 Medal 洛杉矶奥运会奖牌

For these Games, the picture of victory is accompanied by the specific inscription:历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952) "Xth OLYMPIAD LOS ANGELES 1932". On the reverse, an Olympic champion carried in triumph by the crowd, with the Olympic stadium in the background.


AMSTERDAM 1928 Medal 阿姆斯特丹奥运会奖牌

历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952)For these Games, the picture of victory is accompanied by the specific inscription: "IXe OLYMPIADE AMSTERDAM 1928". On the reverse, an Olympic champion carried in triumph by the crowd, with the Olympic stadium in the background.

PARIS 1924 Medal 巴黎奥运会奖牌

On the obverse, a naked victorious athlete, taking the hand of his rival, seated on历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952) the ground, to help him to get up. Underneath, the Olympic rings. On the reverse, a harp as a symbol of the cultural programme of the Games and the different sports equipment, winter as well as summer, forming an arch. In the centre, the inscription "VIIIe OLYMPIADE PARIS 1924".


ANTWERP 1920 Medal 安特卫普奥运会奖牌

历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952)On the obverse, a tall, naked athlete, holding in his left hand a palm leaf and a laurel crown, symbols of victory.On the reverse, the Antwerp monument, commemorating the legend of Brabo throwing into the Scheldt the hand of the giant Druoon Antigoon, who had been terrorising the river. In the background, the cathedral and port of Antwerp. In the top half, the inscription "ANVERS MCMXX".

奖牌正面为一名高个儿裸体运动员。他左手拿着象征胜利的棕榈叶和月桂花冠。在他的身后是吹着喇叭的信息女神像。奖牌背面是为纪念名叫巴拉沃的勇士而设立的安特卫普纪念碑,背景是安特卫普大教堂和港口;顶部刻有“ANVERS MCMXX”字样,意为安特卫普1920。

Stockholm 1912 Medal 斯德哥尔摩奥运会奖牌

On the obverse, two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of young历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952) victorious athlete. On the reverse, a herald proclaiming the opening of the Games with, on the right, the statue of Ling, the founder of the institutions and the Swedish gym system. All around, the inscription "OLYMPISKA SPELEN STOCKHOLM 1912".


LONDON 1908 Medal 伦敦奥运会奖牌

历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952)On the obverse, two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of a young victorious athlete, with, in the bottom half, the inscription "OLYMPIC GAMES LONDON 1908". On the reverse, the figure of St George, patron saint of England. Legend says that he was a fighting saint who slew a dragon to free a princess.


ST LOUIS 1904 Medal 圣-路易斯奥运会奖牌

On the obverse, an athlete standing on some steps, holding in his right hand a历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952) laurel crown, symbol of victory, and raising his left arm. In the background, a bas relief illustrating the sports disciplines from Antiquity. Behind, a Greek temple. Above the figure of the athlete, the inscription "OLYMPIAD" and on the rock bottom right "1904". On the reverse, the goddess Nike, goddess of victory, standing on a globe. She is holding a laurel crown in her left hand and a palm leaf in her right hand. In front of her, a great crown, with in the centre a space for putting the name of the sports disciplines.


PARIS 1900 Medal 巴黎奥运会奖牌

历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952)On the obverse, a winged goddess holding laurel branches in both hands, arms raised. In the background, underneath, a view of the city of Paris and the monuments of the Universal Exhibition. On the reverse, a victorious athlete standing on a podium, holding a laurel branch in his right hand, arm raised. In the background, a stadium and the Acropolis of Athens.


ATHENS 1896 Medal 雅典奥运会奖牌

历届奥运会奖牌设计一览(1896-1952)First place winners were awarded a silver medal, an olive branch and a diploma. Those in second place were given a copper medal, a branch of laurel and a diploma. The obverse side of the medal has Zeus' face along with his hand holding a globe with the winged victory on it, with the caption in Greek "Olympia". The reverse side had the Acropolis site with the caption in Greek "International Olympic Games in Athens in 1896."
