
: 英语巴士网行业英语WTO英语行业英语内容详情


GATT 1947 1947年关税与贸易总协定GATT 1994 1994年关税与贸易总协定GATT 1994 Obligation 1994年关税与贸易总协定项下的义务General Construction work for Buildings 建筑物的总体建筑服务General Construction Work for Civil Engineering 土木工程的总体建筑服务General Disciplines on Domestic Support 国内支持的一般纪律General Elimination of Quantitative Restriction 普遍取消数量限制General Principles of Non-Discriminatory Treatment 非歧视待遇的一般原则Generalized System of preferences(GSP) 普遍优惠制(普惠制)Generally Accepted Commercial Practices 公认的商业惯例Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) 转基因生物Geneva Convention 保护录音制品制作者禁止未经许可复制其录音制品日内瓦公约Global Economic Policymaking 全球经济决策Good Offices, Conciliation and Mediation 斡旋、调解和调停Good Offices, Conciliation and Mediation Process 斡旋、调解和调停程序Goods and Services Account 货物和服务账户Goods of the Same Class or Kind 同级别或同种类货物 Government Consumption Expenditure 政府消费支出Government Guidance Pricing 政府指导价Government Procurement Policy 政府采购政策Government Provision of Goods and Services 政府提供货物或服务Government Service Programmes 政府服务计划Governmental Stockholding Programmes 政府储备计划Government-Entrusted or-Directed Provision of Goods 政府委托或指导提供货物grant the national treatment to 实行国民待遇Greening the GATT 绿化关税与贸易总协定Gross Barter Terms of Trade 总易货贸易条件GRULAC 拉美国家在WTO中的非正式集团Guidelines for the Calculation of Tariff Equivalents 计算关税等值的准则
