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These days, the thing to say if you want to sound smart about Warren Buffett is that the Oracle of Omaha’s crystal ball has cracked. In mid-October, headlines blared that Buffett had lost $2 billion in just two days on Coke and IBM IBM 0.03% .Nevermind that Buffett has said those investements are long-term holdings, that he hasn’t sold a share of either company’s stock, and that he would prefer it if IBM’s shares stayed cheap, for now. It seemed to reinforce the notion that the world’s great stock picker had lost it.

Last year, the book value of Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway badly trailed the S&P 500, increasing less than the broad market index over the past five years for the first time in history. Buffett has acknowledged that his hand picked successors Todd Combs and Ted Weschler, have done better in recent years than he has. (Combs’ and Weschler’s market beating performance was the subject of a recent Fortune story.) Earlier this year, The New York Times highlighted a recent study that found Buffett’s ability to do better than the market has mostly disappeared.

And yet, some of Buffett’s best investments of his entire career have been ones he has made in the past few years. What’s more, if Buffett has lost it, someone forgot to tell the market. Share of Berkshire BRK.A 0.46% are way up, have more than doubled in the past five years. That’s generally a reflection of how well investors think Berkshire’s stock market portfolio, still over 85% managed by Buffett and his long-time partner Charlie Munger, as well as the businesses they have bought over the years—including railroad company Burlington Northern, See’s Candies, and dozens of others—are doing. If Buffett has hit a lull, that’s only because the comparison he has built up for himself over the years is tough to top.

Here are Buffett’s greatest investments of all time, ranked by annual average rate of return. It’s a testament to how successful Buffett has been. Even some of Buffett’s best-known investment successes, like Coke KO 1.16% , Capital Cities/ABC, Gillette, and auto insurance company Geico, were not good enough to make the list. Here are the ones that did:


去年,巴菲特执掌的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)账面价值升幅严重落后于标准普尔500指数,史上第一次出现五年涨幅落后于该大市指数的情况。巴菲特承认,最近几年他的表现不如自己亲自挑选的继任者托德•库姆斯和泰德•威施勒。【《财富》(Fortune)杂志最近一篇文章的主题正是库姆斯和威施勒获得强于大市的表现。】今年早些时候,《纽约时报》(The New York Times)援引最近的一项研究报道称,巴菲特跑赢大市的能力已基本消失。

但是,巴菲特整个职业生涯中最成功的几笔投资都是他在过去几年中发起的。此外,如果有人说巴菲特不再灵光,那么他肯定忘了一件事。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的股价是一路上涨的,过去五年来涨幅超过一倍。这在总体上反映了投资者有多看好伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的股票投资组合(仍有超过85%的股票投资组合由巴菲特和他的长期合作伙伴查理•芒格管理)以及该公司多年来所收购的数十家公司【其中包括铁路公司伯灵顿北方公司(Burlington Northern)、时思糖果公司(See’s Candies)】。如果硬要说巴菲特遇到了瓶颈,那只是因为他多年来的辉煌战绩确实很难突破了。

以下是巴菲特史上最成功的几笔投资,以年度回报率排名。这些交易是巴菲特璀璨投资生涯的最好证明。虽然巴菲特对可口可乐公司、Capital Cities/ABC公司、吉列公司(Gillette)以及汽车保险商Geico等公司的成功投资被业内广为传颂,但它们都没有好到能登上本榜单的份上。以下是上榜投资案例:


1. PetroChina

Annual average compounded return: 52%

Total return: 720%

Years held: 5

Buffett is known for his "buy what you know" investment mantra, and his consistent praise for America. In last year's annual letter to Berkshire shareholders, Buffett wrote, "America's best days lie ahead." Nonetheless, some of his greatest investments, particularly his recent ones, have been in China. In 2002 and 2003, Berkshire bought 1.3% of China's dominant oil company PetroChinaPTR 1.44% for $488 million. Some questioned the investment. PetroChina's oil fields looked tapped out, and the company, with 400,000 employees, was loaded down with costs. At the time, PetroChina had a market cap of $37 billion. Buffett suspected it was worth $100 billion. Buffett was low. Rising oil prices and new discoveries caused PetroChina's shares to soar. By the time Berkshire sold in 2007, PetroChina's market cap had reached $275 billion, and Berkshire reaped a $3.6 billion gain.

1. 中石油(PetroChina)






2. BYD

Annual average compounded return: 41%

Total Return: 671%

Years held: 6

One of Buffett's best recent investments came as a suggestion from his long-time lieutenant Charlie Munger. In 2008, Munger sold Buffett on Chinese car battery company BYD by saying that its CEO, Wang Chuan-Fu, was quite obviously a descendant of both Thomas Edison and Jack Welch. He solves problems like Edison and gets things done like Welch, Munger said. "I've never seen anything like it in my life."

In late 2008, Berkshire bought 10% of BYD for $230 million. Munger has since said that he thinks the adoption of electric cars will take longer than many think, but he said he has plenty of faith in Chuan-Fu, and he and Buffett have been rewarded for that. Six years later, that 10% stake in BYD, which Berkshire still holds, is now worth nearly $1.8 billion.

2. 比亚迪(BYD)







3. Freddie Mac

Annual average compounded return: 24%

Total return: 1,525%

Years held: 13

Buffett had plenty of conviction when, in 1988, he invested $108 million in Freddie Mac, the giant government-backed mortgage insurance firm, at a split-adjusted $4 a share. Shortly after making the investment, he talked it up in the pages of Fortune magazine. Ten years later, Freddie Mac's shares traded at $70. But perhaps the most notable thing about Buffett's investment in Freddie is not how well it did, but when he sold. In 2000, Buffett testified that he had a series of meetings with Freddie Mac's CEO at the time, Leland Brendsel, in which it was clear to Buffett that Brendsel was unwisely striving for double-digit returns.

That spelled trouble to Buffett and, within a year, Berkshire had dumped its entire stake in the company. In 2003, news came out that Freddie Mac had regularly misreported its earnings. Brendsel was forced out. In 2008, at the start of the financial crisis, Freddie Mac, along with its sister company Fannie Mae, was on the hook for piles and piles of unwise mortgage loans, and had to be bailed out by the government. Shares of Freddie Mac FMCC 1.98% now trade at just over $2.

3.房地美(Freddie Mac)





巴菲特感觉到事情不妙,一年之内,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司抛售了所持房地美的所有股份。2003年,有消息称,房地美经常谎报其盈利。布兰德塞尔被迫离开。2008年,在全球金融危机伊始之际,房地美及其姊妹公司房利美(Fannie Mae)因为持有大量问题抵押贷款而濒临破产,不得不申请政府救助。房地美目前股价略高于2美元。


4. Berkshire Hathaway

Annual average compounded return: 22%

Total return: 1,745,300%

Years held: 49

When Buffett bought Berkshire Hathaway BRK.A 0.46% in 1965 for for about $12 a share, it was a textile company and one of the largest employers in New Bedford, Mass. It quickly became Buffett's acquisition vehicle.

He first bought up insurance companies and then a whole host of other kinds of companies, including retailer Nebraska Furniture Mart, See's Candies, catalog company Oriental Trading, ice cream scooper Dairy Queen, underwear maker Fruit of the Loom, railroad firm Burlington Northern, and, most recently in partnership with Brazilian investment firm 3G, ketchup maker Heinz.

Buffett shuttered the textile business in 1985, and he moved the company's headquarters to his hometown, Omaha, long before then. The true success of Berkshire is the combination of the cash generated by its insurance business and Buffett's ability to invest that cash far better than anyone else on the planet. But Buffett has also proven good at picking managers and having a light touch. Only when companies prove to be a problem, like paint company Benjamin Moore, has Buffett swooped in. Buffett's conglomerate now ranks fourth on the Fortune 500 and now has a stock price of $210,000.

4. 伯克希尔哈撒韦公司





通过伯克希尔哈撒韦公司,巴菲特先收购了一些保险公司,然后是其他各行各业的公司,包括零售商内布拉斯加家具商场(Nebraska Furniture Mart)、时思糖果、商品目录公司东方贸易(Oriental Trading)、冰淇淋品牌Dairy Queen、内衣制造商Fruit of the Loom、铁路公司伯灵顿北方等等。最近伯克希尔哈撒韦公司与巴西投资公司3G联合收购了番茄酱生产商亨氏食品公司(Heinz)。

1985年,巴菲特关闭了伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的纺织业务,而之前他早就把公司总部搬到了家乡奥马哈。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的真正成功之处在于旗下保险业务产生的现金流与巴菲特超乎常人的投资能力得到了结合。但巴菲特也向世人证明,他有识别管理人才的慧眼,而且奉行无为而治。只有当企业的确出现问题时,如涂料公司本杰明摩尔(Benjamin Moore)那样的状况,巴菲特才会大力介入。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司目前在《财富》500强企业中排名第四,股价为21万美元。


5. Wells Fargo

Annual average compounded return: 21%

Total return: 9,417%

Years held: 24

Buffett first announced his $290 million investment in Wells Fargo WFC 1.20% in his 1990 annual letter to shareholders. Bank stocks were being battered by the savings and loan crisis, and Buffett characteristically took advantage of the market turmoil to buy into one of the highest quality banks he could find.

Buffett said that, as a rule, he generally doesn't like to invest in banks (a rule that he has broken again and again, first with Wells but more recently with Bank of America BAC 0.76% and US Bancorp USB 1.09% ) but Wells was too much of a bargain to pass up.

That was a good call. Back in 1990, Wells Fargo had a market capitalization of $2.9 billion. It is now worth $275 billion. Last year, it earned more money than any other bank in the country. Berkshire is still Wells Fargo's largest outside shareholder, and Wells would like Buffett and Berkshire to stick around. Recently, Wells Fargo's CEO John Stumpf told an audience at the National Press Club that he advised the 84-year-old Buffett, who classically subsists on a diet of Cherry Cokes and steak, to cut back on his sodium intake. “When the food comes, Warren grabs a salt shaker in his left hand and one in his right, and it’s a snowstorm," Stumpf told the crowd. "And I know a snowstorm when I see one because I’m from Minnesota.”

5.富国银行(Wells Fargo)




巴菲特是在1990年致股东的公开信中首次披露他在富国银行(Wells Fargo)的2.9亿美元投资。当时银行股受储蓄和贷款危机冲击,巴菲特亮出他招牌式的投资策略,利用市场动荡的机会买进了当时他能发现的最优质银行股之一。巴菲特说,他自己有个规矩,通常不爱投资银行类股【但他已经一次又一次地打破了这个规矩,第一次是富国银行,近期的有美国银行(Bank of America)和美国合众银行(US Bancorp)】,但当时富国银行实在是太便宜了,不容错过。

这个决策非常明智。早在1990年,富国银行市值为29亿美元。它目前的市值为2750亿美元。去年,富国银行的收益超过了美国国内任何其他银行。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司仍是富国银行的第一大外部股东,而富国银行也希望巴菲特和伯克希尔哈撒韦公司能长期持有其股权。近日,富国银行的CEO 约翰•斯坦普夫在全美新闻记者俱乐部(National Press Club)发表讲话时称,他已经建议84岁的巴菲特削减钠的摄入量。巴菲特有常年喝樱桃可乐和吃牛排的饮食习惯。“当食物送到餐桌上时,沃伦一手抓一个盐瓶,两只瓶子齐刷刷地倒盐,简直是暴风雪的节奏。”斯坦普夫告诉听众称:“我来自明尼苏达州,我说那是暴风雪,就绝对算得上是。”


6. The Intelligent Investor

Annual average compounded return: A lot

Total return: $45 billion

Years since read: 65 (published in 1949)

Buffett has said the best investment he ever made was not a stock or a bond or even in real estate, but buying a copy of The Intelligent Investor, a book written by Benjamin Graham. Buffett read the book when it came out in 1949 and later enrolled at Columbia Business School in order to take classes with Graham. Buffett says the book still guides his investment decisions today, and he has recommended it to Bill Gates, among others. Here's what Buffett had to say about the book in his most recent letter to Berkshire shareholders:

“I can’t remember what I paid for that first copy of The Intelligent Investor. Whatever the cost, it would underscore the truth of Ben’s adage: Price is what you pay; value is what you get. Of all the investments I ever made, buying Ben’s book was the best (except for my purchase of two marriage licenses).”

6.《聪明的投资者》(The Intelligent Investor)




巴菲特说,他这辈子做过最好的投资不是某只股票或债券或房地产,而是买了一本本杰明•格雷厄姆所著的《聪明的投资者》。该书于1949年出版,当年巴菲特就阅读了此书。后来为了上格雷厄姆的课,巴菲特申请就读哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)。巴菲特说,这本书至今仍然是他投资决策的指引,他已经将它推荐给比尔•盖茨等人。以下是巴菲特在他最近写给伯克希尔股东哈撒韦公司股东的信中对此书的评论:

