
  • 题目要求:Should we only reward the best students? This has been intensely discussed for years. The following are the supporters’ and opponents&rsquo...

  • 环境问题是否靠个人的努力无法解决?题目要求:Are the environmental problems too big for individuals to solve? This matter has been intensely discussed for years. The followi...

  • 押题6 是否应该让年轻人担任政府要职?题目要求:Should young people undertake important positions in the government? This issue has been intensely discussed for years. The fo...

  • 押题4 少年犯是否应该和成年犯受到相同的处罚?题目要求:Should young criminals be treated in the same way as adults by authorities? This issue has been intensely discussed for ye...

  • 2016年4月23日专四开考,小编特为考生准备了10篇考前密押新题型作文,这是目前市面上唯一的新题型押题作文,希望助广大考生一臂之力。上班族早上奔赴工作地,往往没有时间解决早餐,这个时候是在地铁上吃东西还是忍受着饥肠辘辘也要维护秩序呢?押题4 乘客可以在地铁上吃喝吗?题目要求:Recently in...

  • 2016年4月23日专四开考,小编特为考生准备了10篇考前密押新题型作文,这是目前市面上唯一的新题型押题作文,希望助广大考生一臂之力。话说公务员是大势啊,好多孩纸都争先恐后的奔赴公务员考试,下面一篇就是根据公务员热”话题出的押题作文。押题3 让公务员热”降温题目要求:Ever...

  • 2016年4月23日专四开考,小编特为考生准备了10篇考前密押新题型作文,这是目前市面上唯一的新题型押题作文,希望助广大考生一臂之力。不多说了,看官请看星火老师的作文押题系列吧!押题2 难以抗拒的网络报纸潮流题目要求:In recent years, traditional printed news...

  • 押题1 我们应该欢迎宅”生活吗?题目要求:The popularization of computer and Internet service has created a group of people called indoorsy men” or indoorsy wo...

  • 如今已经是互联网时代,而大学生们更是互联网的追随者,无论平时窝在宿舍刷手机,还是上课时的多媒体互动,甚至上机考试,都离不开网络。然而有些人会认为互联网也同时也带来了困扰,比如导致了人与人之间的淡漠等。作文题目:Nowadays the Internet is wildly used for stud...

  • 有四个人在做 科研论文”, 这四个人围坐在一起, 左边的人抄袭右边的人, 形成一个怪圈。(图略)1) Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the pictures below(描述点题段).2) Give a specif...

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