恐归族之我见 My Views on Home-fear Group
2023-11-24In recent years, there are a group people who work far from their hometown and unwilling to go back to see their family appears, those people we call ...
真正的冠军The Real Champion
2023-11-24As the Asian Game is going on, we can see so many exciting games these days, there are so many champions coming out every day, we are happy for them, ...
减压的方法 Ways to Relieve Work Pressure
2023-11-24As an adult, we should have our own jobs to support ourselves.I think everybody feels the pressure in his/her position, especially those who work in p...
新型批改作文方式 New Homework Correcting Style
2023-11-24Nowadays, a new style homework correctingappears in school which has become a hot point under discussion. We usually geta mark tick for right answer a...
Recently a lot of bad news about roommate in college was reported, like roommate was stabbed, roommate was poisoned, which have been a wake-up call fo...
为什么女孩喜欢大叔 Why Do Girls Crush On Da Shu?
2023-11-24When we go down the street, if we take a notice on the couples, we may find that besides those young girls, there are not only young boys, but also Da...
关于自学About Self-Study
2023-11-24Depending on my personal experienceand emotional preference, I find that self-study is an extremely important skillfor those who want to learn new thi...
What people like to eatdepends on the environment and custom. There are two main kinds of food whichare Chinese food and western food. They are differ...
In recent years, with the development of globalization, the competitions among people are more intense, many parents pay more attention on children&rs...
Most people believe that besides having a body, mindand emotions, human beings have a spiritual nature. A major part of your lifeis your spiritual bel...