Come Back Home Often 关于常回家看看
2023-11-24Home is a warm harbor for every family member. Home always gives us comfort and warmth no matter when we come back. Hence, in return, as sons or daugh...
The Advantage of Internships 实习的好处
2023-11-24Internships must be very familiar for every graduate. In China, it is our traditional to have internships before graduating. They think it is good for...
According to a recent article on Newsweek concerning children’s’ education, there is an increasing number of parents worrying their kids t...
For almost all students, finding a job is anecessary procedure for them. However, most students feel confused aboutfinding jobs since many companies r...
Kua Fu in the Modern Society 现代夸父
2023-11-24I believe that every Chinese people are familiarwith the story of Kua Fu, it says a braggadocio who miscalculating hisstrength, conceived the vain amb...
My View on Reducing Carbon Emission 减排之我见
2023-11-24Every year billion tons of carbon dioxide is added into the air, which in part results in global warming and climate change. Now we are live in the wo...
Secret Accounts 秘密账户
2023-11-24With the increasing number of trust issuein nowadays, people seems are not trusty as before. In the spirit ofdiscretion, every one become a cautious p...
The Importance of Learning History 学习历史的重要性
2023-11-24A large number of students hold amisunderstanding towards history study because they consider it as useless andboring. However, each subject has its o...
My View on University Ranking 关于大学排名
2023-11-24Recent years have witnessed a great popularity of university ranking. High school graduates make their choice almost mainly based on university rankin...
As the world gets globalized, it isnaturally that people from all around the world needs a common language tocommunicate, English is admitted to be a ...