The New Rule to Assign Dormitory 宿舍分配新规则
2023-11-24When students go to college, they are so excited about the new life. In the campus, they can enjoy freedom without parents’ supervision. What&rs...
The Secret of Staying Young 保持年轻的秘诀
2023-11-24Recently, a female weather reporter stunned the world for her young look. The public found she stay as young as twenty years ago. Nowadays, more and m...
College Education 大学教育
2023-11-24The stage of college will be the most important period of our life. We need to learn knowledge, at the same time, we also need to learn some skills, w...
Buddha-Like Style 佛系风格
2023-11-24Buddha-like style is discussed by the public everywhere. The young people show their Buddha-like situation to show their peaceful mood about trouble. ...
The Value of Overseas Degree 海外学历的价值
2023-11-24Nowadays, as more and more students have chosen to study abroad, some people believe that overseas degree is no longer as valuable as before. What&rsq...
I Love My Family 我爱我家
2023-11-24The original family matters so much for a child and I am so lucky to born in a harmonious family. The love and care from my parents make me a stronger...
Swimming Skill and Degree 游泳与学历
2023-11-24Many years ago, some scholars were strongly against the certification of English test that was a must for a student to get the degree. So some college...
Flag-raising Ceremony 升旗仪式
2023-11-24Flag-raising ceremony has been existed every Monday since I went to school. Even I have been to college, I still need to wake up early in the morning ...
My Favorite Cartoon Character 我最喜爱的卡通人物
2023-11-24Since I was very small, I started to watch a lot of classic Disney cartoon movies. The familiar names of Snow White, Peter Pan and others are just lik...
The Invasion of Parkinson Disease 帕金森病的侵袭
2023-11-24Old people are easy to get ill, because their body organs are no longer working as well as the young people. Parkinson disease has invaded more old pe...