
  • After passing the2012 College Entrance Examination, I find my name in the enrolling list ofNanjingAuditUniversitywhich many young people dream of. As ...

  • I have many hobbies,such as swimming in summer,skating in winter,ect.;but my favourite hobby is collecting stamps. I began to collect stamps when I wa...

  • From the picture, we can see that some schools onlywant their students to study hard at their lessons but ignore the educating onstudents' ability...

  • Women play an important part in modern society. Now many women are going into professions, such as medicine, law and engineering. They comprise a larg...

  • 越来越多的大学生,在最近几年,发现很难找到工作。这可能听起来很奇怪,因为以前是最青睐”社会人大学生。他们受过高等教育,因此他们更聪明,比他们的同行谁没有上大学的知识。但机会是,他们很难找到一些大学毕业后的就业机会。 有两个原因,对于这种奇怪的现象帐户。其一是,有些大学生不能拿出自己和他们...

  • 由于学校的孩子们,我们有很多梦想。这些梦想可能很大,如获得诺贝尔奖,或者他们可以是很小的。你可能只是想成为最好的学生的10你们班的。一旦你已经找到一个梦想,你是做什么工作的withit吗?你曾试过让梦想真的吗?你可能认为你很不擅长一些学校课程,或它在你不能成为一名作家。这种思想阻止你得到我们共同的梦...

  • 从这部动画片中,我们可以看到,在河的顶端,是一个化工厂和一个paperrnaking工厂,送出去,有毒废物。和河流受到严重污染,n是从它的颜色出现。沿着这条黑”河,也有卖新鲜的水,必须是从很远的地方采取几个人。在乍看之下,这是非常奇怪的我们怎能卖沿河WA- TER,但这样的话,因为在这条...

  • Though smoking has been banned in public places inmany cities, many people are still addicted to smoking, especially youngpeople. Some smokers seem to...

  • The generation gap refers to the difference in attitude toward thing or the lack of understanding between young people and older folks. In families as...

  • 世界各地的人们可能会认为,气候已经越来越近几年稳步回暖和温暖。使用的地方,要在降雪丰富,经常遇到snowfree(无雪的)冬天。干旱持续时间长一些干旱地区。人们发现,没有空调,他们几乎无法工作或落在炎热夏季daysg睡着了。全球变暖的副作用alarminS。一个温暖的全球气候的冰盖融化,海平面升高。...