We are nowlive in the world where the fittest will survive. So it seems unlikely that wecan avoid the stress form this competitive society. And stress...
更多时间还是更多钱 More Time or More Money
2023-11-24Life is full of choices. We have to make our choice for many things. It ranges from what we eat for breakfast to what kind of life we prefer. When it ...
流行歌手的高收入The High Incomes of Pop Singers
2023-11-24When we read the amusement news, we may be shocked by the exposing income of the pop singers, the highest incomes of a pop singer in a year could be m...
In recent years, more and moreleftover children have been brought into the public and aroused more and morepeople’s attention.Those children are...
Nowadays,as we live in school, we are arranged with other students to share aroom. Living with roommates is school’s tradition, as Chinese old s...
窗外的小鸟The Little Bird out of my Window
2023-11-24Cold weather comes all of a sudden; I never realize that before I saw a bird knocking at the kitchen’s window for food. One night, my father tol...
With the improvement of material life level, more and more parents are tending to give their children material rewards. For instance, if children get ...
2023-11-24一、长短句原则工作还得一张一驰呢,老让批改老师读长句,累死人!写一个短小精辟的句子,相反,却可以起到画龙点睛的作用。而且如果我们把短句放在段首或者段末,也可以揭示主题:As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is tom...
失败者更需鼓励 Losers Need More Encouragement
2023-11-24When the national entrance examination is over, peoplealways pay more attention to those who are enrolled by colleges anduniversities. Those who faile...
Summer holiday is coming again. It is apleased and relaxing period for most of students while it is also a boring anddull days. So, let’s try to...