关于呆在室内About Keeping Indoors
Have you ever been surprised by the trendthat young people would rather stay indoors than go outside? This phenomenonhas drawn great public concern .To this phenomenon, different people come upwith various idea. 你有没有对于那样的趋势感到惊讶,年轻人宁愿呆在家里也不愿意出去?这种现象已经引起了公众的极大关注。对于这一现象,不同的人有不同的观点。 Some people are in favor of the idea of keeping indoors .They point outthe fact that staying indoors can save a lot of money. They would avoidspending money in travelling and shopping. They also argue that they wouldrather save time to do other things than waste time to walk around. However,other people stand on a different ground. They consider it is harmful to stayindoors. They firmly point out that people would be in poor health if theyalways stay indoors. Most young people watch TV, play computer games and searchthe Internet when they keep indoors .Younger need do excise and enjoy fresh air.What’s worse, keeping indoors makes youth lack of communication with othersand their social ability will be in a bad situation . 有些人支持呆在家里的想法。他们指出这样的事实,呆在家里可以省很多钱。他们会避免在旅行和购物上花钱。他们还觉得宁愿节约时间去做其他事情也不愿意比浪费时间去走走。然而,其他人则站在不同的立场。他们认为呆在室内是不好的。他们坚定地认为如果人们总是呆在室内,健康状况会不好的。大多数年轻人呆在家里的时候都是看电视,玩电脑游戏,上网冲浪。年轻人需要做锻炼,呼吸新鲜的空气。更糟糕的是,天天呆在室内会让年轻人与他人缺乏交流以至于他们的社交能力变得糟糕。 Asfar as I am concerned, it dose harm to stay indoors for a long period .We oughtto enjoy the beautiful scenery outside and talking with people .We can stayindoors once in a while to dispute our assignment .Though with the widespreadof the Internet, we can almost do everything at home, we have to enjoy ouroutdoor lives. 我认为呆在室内时间过长是有害的。我们应该欣赏外面美丽的风景并与人交谈。我们可以偶尔呆在室内,从我们的任务中休息一下。虽然随着互联网的普及,我们在家几乎可以做所有的事情,但是我们得要欣赏我们的户外生活。 |