现代企业最想要的人才类型 What Kind of Talent did the Modern Enterprise Want the Most?
In the 21st century, the talent quality of hardworkingand dependable is no longer the only thing that the enterprise required. Infact, those two qualities are the basic constitution, now the requirement oftalent is more comprehensive. The perspective to define a talent is differentnow. 在21世纪,人才品质中的勤奋和踏实不再是企业唯一要求的品质了。事实上,这两个品质只是基本的个体素质。现在的人才要求更加全面。定义人才的视角也不一样了。 First,the enterprise prefers the one who could combine innovate and practice. Basically,the value comes from innovate, but only after combined with the innovation andpractice, can the value work the maximal effect. We can not be restricted tothe repetitive tasks. We should always keep creating new ideas. 第一,企业喜欢能把创新和实践结合起来的人。从基本上说,价值源于创新,但只有把创新与实践结合起来,价值才能发挥最大的成效。我们不能局限于重复的工作中,我们应当时时想着创造新的点子。 Second,the enterprise is more fancy the cross-domain talent. 21st century isthe century that combines different field and industry. The modern society andenterprise is no only require specializing to the professional field, but alsoto know about the relevant major and field, combine them and solved theproblems effective. 第二,企业更喜欢跨领域人才。21世纪是结合不同学科,不同产业的世纪。现代社会和现代企业不仅仅要在某个专业领域有造诣,还要知道相关的专业和领域,结合它们,有效地解决问题。 Finally,the IQ, EQ, SQ issue. When we define one man is successful or not, we do notlook into his academic record or intelligence quotient (IQ), but the balance developmentof intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and spiritual quotient. 最后,IQ,EQ,SQ的问题。当我们定义一个人成功与否,我们不仅仅看他学科成绩和智商,二世要看智商,情商,灵商的均衡发展。 Tosum up, if we want to survive in this competitive society, we need a comprehensivedevelopment to adapt to the requirement of the modern enterprise, or we willeliminated by the society. 总之,如果我们要在这竞争激烈的社会中生存,我们需要全面地发展去适应现代企业的要求,不然我们就会被社会淘汰。 |