大学生不应该从商 University Students Should not go in for Business
Due to the mercurial world nowadays, there is an intensifyingcompetition in every field. Admittedly, a few students in a university decideto try their hands at business for the sake of adapting themselves better totheir future. With this sentiment, they set up small shops near the university.With the emergence of the phenomenon, some people hold the concept that thebusiness experience would help them, while others hold negative view. As far asI am concerned, I am deeply convinced that the university students had betterdevote their energy to their study rather than to so-called business. 在现今这瞬息万变的世界里,每个行业的竞争都在加剧。诚然,一些大学生决定试着经商,为他们更能适应未来做准备。鉴于这一理念,他们在大学周边开小商店。对于这种现象的发生,一些人持着经商经验能帮助他们的观点,然而另一些人持着相反的观点。对于我而言,我深深地认为大学生最好全身心地投入到他们的学业中去,而不是所谓的商业。 First,doing business is not an effective way for students for preparing themselvesfor the future, simply because it is not what they are going to do aftergraduation. As well-educated elites of the society, university students willshoulder much greater responsibilities after graduation than others. Comparedto the much sophisticated careers they are going to have in the future, be itacademic, technical or other professional ones, the experience and skills theycan gain from selling small stuff for a tiny profit will not benefit themsignificantly for their future pursuit. 首先,经商不是一条给大学生备战未来的有效途径,因为这未必是他们毕业后要去从事的行业。作为受过优良教育的社会精英,大学生比其他人在毕业后更加肩负重任。相比于他们未来要从事的更复杂的事业,更学术化,更科技化或者更专业化,他们通过卖小东西赚取小利润得来的经验不能满足他们对未来的追求。 Second,it is such a waste of student’s time and energy. The four years in universityare the best time when young people can concentrate on acquiring knowledge,which is critical for students to mature intellectually. It is also in theuniversity that they can have easy access to constant supervision and coachingof professional educators. 第二,这非常浪费学生的时间和精力。四年的大学时光是年轻人学习知识的最好时光,这是他们在智力上成熟的关键时候。这也是他们最容易,最频繁地受到专业教育者的监督和教导的时候。 In sum,university students should not waste their time and energy to doing business. Onlythrough real dedication to study and training in the university can they bebest prepared for the glamorous future. 总之,大学生不应该浪费他们的时间和精力去经商。只有在大学里经过真正的努力学习和训练,他们才能最好地为光辉的未来做准备。 |