关于大学生理财On Managing College Students Money
With the fast economic development, peoplehave their living standard improved. A lot of families are no longer worriedabout the money problem. Parents want to give their kids better life in theaspect of material. When their kids leave home for college, parents always givethem lots of money and tell them again and again that “buy what you want” ”eatmore nutritious food” ”don’t save money for home” ”if no money, tell me, I willgive you” and so on. 随着经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平有所提高。很多家庭都不用再担心钱的问题。父母都想在物质方面让他们上更好的生活。当他们的孩子离开家去上大学的时候,父母总是给他们很多钱并一遍又一遍的告诉他们,“买你想要买的东西”“吃多点有营养的食物”,“不用为家里省钱”,“如果没有钱,告诉我,我会给你寄的”之类的话。 This common thing results in a very badeffect on the college students. 这种常见的事情对大学生会导致不良的后果。 Lots of college students spend a lot ofmoney buying what they need and they needn’t. For example, parents give themtwo thousand Yuan every month, they often use out in twenty or twenty-fivedays. Then they’ll borrow money from others. When they get the next month’sliving expenses, they have to pay back the money. If things go on like this,they’ll fall into a worse situation and cannot pay off their debts finally. Ithink parents’ original thought is good. Parents just want to give kids abetter material environment. Obviously they receive the opposite effect. 很多大学生会花很多钱去买他们需要的或者不需要的东西。例如,父母每个月给他们二千元,他们经常二十天或者二十五天就用完了。然后他们就会向别人借钱。当他们得到下个月的生活费时,他们又得还钱。这样下去的话,他们会陷入更糟糕的处境,最后会无法还请债务。我觉得父母最初的想法是好的。父母只是想给孩子们一个更好的物质环境。显然他们收到了相反的效果。 I think that college students should learnfinancial management, because it can bring them a clear life and benefit to theirjobs or family. Maybe they can make bookkeeping. Set a fixed amount of moneyevery day. 我认为大学生应该学会理财,因为理财可以给他们带来明确的生活而对他们的工作或者家庭也是有益的。他们也许可以记账。设定每天固定用钱。 |