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Smoking Free Campus 无烟校园


As we all know, the Chinese Ministry of Education released a smoking-free policy in campus on 29th January this year. And during the past 10 years, there were an alarming increase in students smoking which is quite disturbing. But in fact, smoking is such a bad habit that does great harm to smokers’ health as well as the people around.我们都知道,中国教育部在今年1月29日发布了校园禁烟政策。在过去10年内,学生吸烟的人数以惊人的速度增长,这引起了很大的不安。但事实上,吸烟是一个坏习惯,它不仅对吸烟者自己健康有很大危害,对周围人也有很大危害。The factors lead to a great rise in campus smoking is really complex. First of all, with the increase of our living standard, we students have much pocket money which enables us to afford the cigarettes. And then, there are so many advertisements about cigarettes around us. What’s more, we can get access to them easily. Last but not least, in some students’ opinions, smoking is really cool which may make them feel more mature than others.引起学生吸烟人数大量增长的原因很复杂。首先,随着生活标准的提升,我们学生有着很多零花钱,这就使得我们可以买得起香烟。此外,在我们的周围有着铺天盖地的香烟广告。我们可以轻易的买到香烟。最后但同样重要的是,在很多同学的眼里,抽烟让他们觉得很酷,使得他们觉得比周围的同学更成熟。It’s high time that we took actions to help them get rid of such a bad habit and build a smoking free campus. Firstly, I think there should be anti-smoking courses in our classes which would let us know about the danger of smoking. Secondly, there should not be any cigarettes on sale in the shops in campus which would help a lot.   是我们采取措施帮助他们改掉坏习惯并建立无烟校园的时候了。首先,我认为在课堂上应当有禁烟的教育课程,使得我们能够清楚的认识到抽烟的危害。第二,在校园里不应当出现任何店铺出售香烟。这也会起到很大作用。  Only in these ways can we build a smoking free campus. And only by building a smoking free campus can we protect our health from smoking.只有通过这样的方法,我们才能建立一个无烟校园。并且只有通过建立无烟校园才能够保护我们不受抽烟的危害。
