Whether Can Students Change Major Halfway 学生能否中途换专业
It is quite often seen that many studentschoose the subject but they never attend in college. The reason hide behindthis is that they don’t like the subject. On the contrary, they would go to theclass which they are interested in. However, in some college, change majormidway is not permitted. Hence,people are discussing hotly that whether students can change majorduring college. 在大学里,很多学生从来不去上课是一件很常见的事情。这背后的原因在于他们对所选的课根本不感兴趣。相反,他们会去上一些他们感兴趣的课程。但是,一些大学却不允许学生中途换专业。因此,关于学生是否可以换专业的话题引起人们的热议。 Onthe one hand, people are for allowing students to change majors believestudents will do better in their favorite fields. In fact, many students go tocollege and choose their major randomly, with time going on, they may find whatthey chose was not their favor and lose interest. Consequently, they will learnnothing. But if students are allowed to study their interested knowledge, they willget more. 一方面,那些同意学生中途换专业的人认为学生在他们喜欢的领域会做的更好。事实上,很多学生上大学的时候只是随机的挑选他们的专业,但是随着时间的推移,他们会不喜欢他们所选择的专业,随之对专业失去兴趣。结果,他们很少学到东西。但是如果学生能够选择学习他们感兴趣的知识的话,会学到更多。 One the other hand, those who disagree withthe previous idea are convincing that students should concentrate on one thingand if they change their major, they will lag behind and even hardly catch upwith other students. 另一方面,一些人不同意前面一种人的观点。他们认为学生们应该专注于一件事。如果换专业,他们会落后于甚至会赶不上其他同学。 From my point of view, I think it is goodfor students to change their majors because interest is the best teacher. Ifstudents can choose what they like, they will try their best to get all the knowledgethey want. 依我看来,允许学生换专业对学生有益,因为兴趣是最好的老师。如果学生可以选择他们喜欢的专业,那么他们会竭尽全力学到他们想要的知识。 |