How to Keep Fit 如何保持健康
Nowadays, more andmore people are more concerned about their health than their income and themethods they take to keep fit vary from person to person. For my point of view,there are basic principles to keep fit—reasonable diet, regular work and rest, appropriateexercise and a good mood. 如今,越来越多人更多地关注他们的健康状况,而不是他们的收入,他们采取保持健康的方法各不相同。在我看来,保持健康离不开这三个原则——合理的饮食,有规律的作息,适当的运动以及好心情。 For one thing, Ibelieve that no one will fail to notice the importance of reasonable diet,regular work and rest and appropriate exercise. Only we keep our life regularmay we be in good the whole day and keep the disease away from us. And doingexercise has an additional effect for our bodies’ normal operation. 一方面,我相信所有人都知道合理饮食,有规律的作息和适当的运动的重要性。只有生活得有规律,我们才可能整天保持好状态,远离疾病。另外,做运动对于我们身体的正常运转有辅助作用。 For another, keepinga good mood is also essential for us to keep healthy. Some people do notunderstand why they still feel not well even though their life is regular. Thatis because they have too much stress in their mind and cannot relieve it,especially when they are in busy, and even some of them do not have anyawareness of the influence that their stress brings to them. Therefore, exceptfor the regular life and exercise, we need to keep a good mood and relievenegative moods in time as much as possible. Although it is hard to achieve whenwe encounter some unpleased matters, we still need to try our best to do it, ortry to shorten the time we are in negative moods. 另一方面,要保持健康,保持好心情也很重要。尽管有些生活很有规律,但是他们仍然感觉状态不好。原因在于他们精神上负担着太多的压力,得不到释放,尤其是当他们处于忙碌状态的时候,甚至于有些人没有意识到他们的压力所带来的影响。因此,除了生活有规律和运动之外,我们还要保持好心情,尽量及时释放消极情绪。尽管我们遇到不愉快的事情时很难做到这一点,但是,我们仍然需要努力去做,或者努力缩短我们处于消极情绪中的时间。 In a word, no matterwhich kind of methods we take to keep fit, do not go far away from these basicprinciples. Only in this way can we get a better effect. 总之,无论我们采取哪一种方式去保持健康都不要远离以上这些原则。只有这样我们才能得到更好的效果。 |