My View on University Ranking 大学排名之我见
Now,it is generally acknowledged that competence is getting fiercer and fiercer. Therefore,going to a good university is the premise of getting a good job and wining inthe competitive society. As a result, university ranking becomes much popularthan before. We can also see many ads on the internet which commend a specialuniversity ranked first. And universities try to make themselves bigger andstronger to get a better ranking. 如今人们普遍认为竞争日趋激烈。因此,上一个好的学校是在这个竞争力强的社会中找到一份好工作的前提。因此,大学排名变得比之前越来越受欢迎。我们也可以在网上看到很多重点大学排名的推荐广告。学校也试图使自己变得更大更强来获得更好的排名。 Differentpeople have different opinions on universities ranking. The reason why mostpeople oppose to it can be complicated. To start with, university ranking makesgood universities superior but put the general universities into a worsecondition. What’s more, it would do harm to the development of theuniversities. The governmental subsidy is mostly used on superior universities,while the infamous universities won’t get it. The last but not the least, theexcellent future of a student is not depended on the university, but to thestudent himself .In a sense, university ranking is not meaningful. 对于大学排名,不同的人有不同的看法。大多数人反对这个排名的原因是很复杂的。首先,大学排名让好的学校更好但是也把普通的学校置于一个更恶劣的环境。更重要的是,这不利于高校的发展。政府补贴主要用在好的大学上,而不出名的大学是没办法得到的。最后但并非最不重要的是,一个学生美好的未来不是依赖于大学,而是学生本人。从某种意义上说,大学排名是没有意义的。 Asfar as I’m concerned, I don’t agree to it. Each university has its own benefitsand culture, so that we can’t evaluate a university simply by its ranking. Soit’s better to stop ranking university. 我觉得我并不同意这一点。每个大学都有自己的利益和文化,我们不可以仅仅通过排名来衡量一个学校。所以要是没有大学排名会更好。 |