Hong Konger is Upset About “Locust” 香港人恐惧“蝗虫”
We still can remember how happy we werewhen Hong Kong finally reunited with the motherland, and we all believe thatHong Kong’s return has had a good beginning and Hong Kong’s future will be evenbrighter. However, things are not going like what we image about. The fightbetween Hong Kong people and mainland people is more and more fierce. The mainpoint is that Hong Kong people are not happy to see the mainland people usetheir resource without paying any tax. 我们依然记得香港终于回归祖国怀抱时的喜悦,我们都相信香港的回归是个好开端,香港的未来会更加明亮。但是,实行并不像我们想象的那样。香港人和大陆人的争论越发激烈。主要就是香港人看到大陆人不用交税就使用他们的资源就不高兴了。 Hong Kong people called the people who goto Hong Kong and enjoy a high social welfare “locust”, we can see that literary,Hong Kong people worry about that mainland people will “eat” too much theirwelfare, just like a locust, and left less or nothing for them. What’s worse,for instance, if a mainland pregnant woman having baby in Hong Kong, then herbaby are going to enjoy the high Hong Kong social welfare, like they can go toHong Kong’s school, receive a better education, and the medical insurance,which are all better than mainland’s level. What makes the Hong Konger upsetabout is that they enjoy this welfare without paying any tax, that’s reallybothering them. 香港人叫这些来香港享受高社会福利的人作“蝗虫”,我们能够直观地看字面理解,香港人担心大陆人会吃光他们的福利,就像蝗虫,给他们留下极少或者什么都不留的福利。更糟糕的是,例如一个大陆孕妇在香港生孩子的话,她的孩子就会享受香港的社会福利,例如他们能够上香港的学校,接受更好的教育,还有医疗保险,这些都比大陆的水准高。让香港人不安的是他们不用交税就能享受福利,这实在是让他们惴惴不安。 To addition, as the Hong Kong Permit is easierthan before, more and more people are attending to go to Hong Kong to settledown or travel. And some mainland people’s behavior has start a controversy,their uncivilized behavior makes them more obnoxious to Hong Kong people. Forexample, mainland people eat in subway, litter everywhere. We cannot blame HongKong people by that; after all we lower their city quality. 还有,现在香港通行比以前简单,越来越多人都打算去香港定居或者旅游。有些大陆人的行为就引发了争议,他们的不文明行为让香港人更加讨厌他们。例如,大陆人在地铁里吃东西,随处丢垃圾。我们不能因此责怪香港人,毕竟是我们拉低了他们的城市素质。 To sum up, Chinese government could introducerelevant policy to balance the welfare between Hong Kong and mainland people,and mainland people who go to Hong Kong should pay attention to their behavior.Hong Kong reunited with motherland is not easy; we should not break ourrelationship for that. 总而言之,中国政府应该出台相关的政策,去平衡香港和大陆的福利,还有去香港的大陆人应该注意他们的行为。香港好不容易回归祖国,我们不能因为这些事破坏我们的关系。 |