The Preservation of Cultural Relics 文物保护
In recent years, our nation has raised a tide ofpreservation of cultural relics.However,in my opinion, some measures being made to preserve the cultural relics are noteconomical and cannot reach the purpose of preservation of cultural relics. 近年来,我们国家掀起了文物保护的浪潮。然而,在我看来,有些保护文物的措施不经济,也不能达到保护文物的目的。 For example, towards some old houses, oneof the common measures is to renovate them with new materials and make themlook bright and luxurious. After that, the house owners are not allowed to livein these houses and they cannot sell them as well. The only purpose of these “new”houses is to be visited and be decorated. This kind of measure is noteconomical and unreasonable. For one thing, the house owners need to spend alot of money to preserve the houses; for another, our traditional culturesfeatured at these houses cannot be spread effectively to others and the nextgenerations. Thus, the measure made to preserve the cultural relics needed toimprove. 比如,对于一些旧房子,一个很普遍的措施就是用新材料修复翻新,使它们看起来光鲜奢华。之后,屋主不允许住在里面,也不能卖掉。这些“新”房子的唯一目的就是用来参观和摆设。这种做法是不经济的,不合理的。一方面,屋主为了保存这些屋子需要花费大量的金钱;另一方面,这些房子所体现出来的传统文化并不能有效地传播给他人和下一代。因此,这种保护文物的做法有待改进。 Another example, concerning some famousbuildings, our government spends a lot of money to renovate and preserve them andcharges for the entrance fee. This kind of action to a large extent keepspeople from visiting these famous buildings; doubtless, the spread of ourtraditional cultures is also limited. 另外一个例子,对于那些有名的建筑,我们的政府花费大量的财富去修复和保存他们,并且收取入场费。这种收取入场费的做法在很大程度上使得人们对这些建筑望而却步,毫无疑问,传统文化的传播也会受到制约。 Therefore, in order to spread our traditionalcultures and preserve the cultural relics, our government needs to mend theirmeasures. At the same time, people should enhance their awareness of protectionof cultural relics and mend their manners. 因此,为了传播传统文化和保护文物,我们的政府需要修改他们的措施。同时,人们应该增强文物保护意识,检点自己的行为。 |