When many foreign people come to China, they will be very surprised by the phenomenon that old people take care of the children in the street. They wonder how why so many old people given birth to the children. Actually, these old people are grandparents, not parents. It is part of the Chinese culture. 许多外国人来中国时,他们会很惊讶地看到大街上都是老人在照看小孩,他们好奇为什么那么多老人还生小孩。实际上,这些老人是爷爷奶奶,而不是父母。隔代带孩子已成为中国文化的一部分。
When Chinese people get retired, they are willing to take care of their grandchildren, because their sons and daughters don’t have much time. More young people believe that it is the old people’s duty to look after these kids, because they have nothing to do and spending more time with these kids can make them feel less lonely. 当中国人退休时,因为他们的儿女比较忙,所以他们愿意照顾他们的孙子。越来越多的年轻人认为这是老人的责任去照顾这些孩子,因为他们也没别的事情做,而且跟这些孩子们在一起也可以让他们不孤单。
But there is a big problem about the way to raise children. Most old people spoil children, and satisfy the children and give everything they want, so it is hard for the parents to educate their children, who will easy to cry if parents don’t satisfy them. Young parents should spend more time with their kids. What’s more, it is not the old generation’s responsibility to help them look after kids. 但是在抚养孩子的方式上有一个很大的问题。大多数老人溺爱孩子,为了满足孩子,他们想要的一切都给他们,所以父母就很难去教育他们的孩子。一旦父母不满足他们的孩子,他们就会很容易哭。年轻父母应该多花店时间与他们的孩子在一起,而且,帮助他们照顾孩子也不是老人的义务。 |