Recently, the hottest movie Wolf Warrior 2 has won the great reputation. The audience felt so touched when they see the power of China. But some people still question about the truth of the movie and they think China is not that powerful. Actually, China's increasing power is influencing the world. 最近,最热的电影《战狼2》赢得了巨大的声誉,观众感到很感动当他们看到中国的力量。但有些人仍质疑电影的事实,他们认为中国并不强大。实际上,中国日益增长的力量影响着世界。
When you travel abroad, you can find that the commercial ads have been translated into two languages, one is English and the other is Chinese. This is a great sign to show the power of Chinese tourists. As our economy is increasing, many countries want to catch more Chinese tourists to earn profits. At least we are no longer leave the poor image to the foreign countries. 出国旅游时,你会发现商业广告都被翻译成两种语言,一种是英语,另一种是中文。这是一个很好的信号,展示了中国游客的力量。随着我国经济的增长,许多国家希望吸引更多的中国游客来获利。至少我们不再是贫穷国家的形象。
No one can deny the fact that China is influencing the world. When many policies have been made by the foreign leaders, they will seek for cooperation with Chinese government, because China is the future. What's more, many homemade products are favored by the foreigners. China is no longer the poor country, though we admit that there is still a long way to go for being stronger. We gain the great faith. 没有人能否认中国正在影响着世界这个事实。当外国领导人提出许多政策时,他们会考虑寻求与中国政府的合作,因为中国是未来。更重要的是,许多国产的产品受到外国人的青睐。我们承认虽然仍然有很长的路要走,但中国不再是一个贫穷的国家。我们获得了很大的信心。 |