It cannot be denied that parents contribute their countless vigor and energy in the cultivation of their children. Every progress of children is immersed with their parents’ dedication and efforts. As time passes, children become robust grown-ups, while parents get weak and feeble. And this is the very moment for them to change their positions, namely, the former should put their heart and soul to care for the latter. This care not only belongs to the fulfillment of responsibilities, but also functions as the most precious rewards for the latter. As far as I am concerned, once parents and children can identify their responsibilities in different phases of life and keep in good company with each other, a more harmonious society will be just around the corner. 点评:本篇考研英语一大作文题材涉及亲情的话题,养老问题也是当今的社会热点话题之一,该类相关话题在前几年的真题中也曾经出现过。表述观点方面则要格外注意,需使用高级词汇以及句型并注意词汇的同义转换,才能拿到高分。第一部分,首先简明扼要地概括图片的两个部分;作文的第二部分则是重点阐明图片的深层内涵;第三部分可以进行总结或是展望。 |