专家提醒:写好英语作文的关键是套用句型,背诵大量范文,达到熟悉这些地道的句子结构!建议你背诵这篇英语作文你喜欢教师为中心的课堂还是学生为中心的课堂?,并提取其中的关键句型,活用到你的作文中去,就可以获得高分!www.engbus.cnDo You Prefer Teacher centered Olasses or Student centered Classes? (你喜欢教师为中心的课堂还是学生为中心的课堂?) 1.教师为中心课堂的特点; 2.学生为中心课堂的特点; 3.我的看法。 [写作导航]第一段引入话题,指出以教师为中心和以学生为中心的课堂看似没什么两样,其实却大不相同;第二段用对比的手法讲两者的区别:以教师为中心的课堂以老师活动为主,学生默不作声,而以学生为主的课堂,学生积极参与,提问、讨论是主要形式;第三段用“我”的看法(喜欢以学生为中心的课堂)收尾。 [范文] Although classes often seem outwardly the same because there is always a teacher and some students in a classroom, the differences between teacher-centered classes and student centered however, are enormous. In teacher centered classes, the teacher usually dominates the class. He lectures, puts outlines and language points on the blackboard, gives solutions to problems, and fills the students' heads with information. The students oniy sit, listen and take notes silently at their desks. In student centered classes, on the contrary, the teacher tries to stimulate the students to learn on their own by asking provocative questions, by posing problems, and most important of ail, by being a participant too. Students in these classes are more actively involved in the thinking learning process. They ask questions and read up to search for the answers themselves and then discuss in classes what they have found. I prefer student centered classes because they are more natural and more interesting ways of obtaining knowledge. They not only make learning active and enjoyable, but also enable the students to learn how to find and solve problems themselves. |