Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay. 我认为跟着老师学习会更好,因为有了老师的帮助,我们可以学得更快、更有趣。 I would argue in this essay that learning from teachers is more advisable in that with the help of our teachers, we can learn faster and learn in a more enjoyable manner. 首先,跟着老师学会比自己学更快捷。我们都知道,老师是受过专业训练的,在某一门特定的科目上肯定比我们了解得多得多,而且,老师有丰富的教学经验可以保证我们不走弯路,让我们很快弄明白我们应该明白的一切,这一点是我们自学所做不到的,毕竟我们的知识有限,解决问题的能力有限,否则,我们就根本不需要老师了。 First of all, leaning from teachers can make sure that we learn more quickly. As we all know, teachers have received professional trainings which means that they are supposed to know much more than we do on a certain subject. Besides, they have rich experience which can help ensure that we learn more effectively and that we can quickly understand what we should understand. This will be hard to achieve if we learn by ourselves, for, after all, both our knowledge and ability to solve problems are limited; otherwise, we would not need teachers at all. 其次,跟着老师学会更有趣。学习是一个漫长的过程,没有耐心和毅力是难以坚持到底的。这就对我们提出了挑战:如何才能够坚持到底呢?要培养兴趣。俗话说:兴趣是最好的老师。有了兴趣,我们就会感到原本枯燥乏味的学习突然间变得有趣了,我们愿意去学习了。而做到这一点绝非易事,因为学习的全过程可能充满了艰辛和苦恼。但是,老师有办法使自己的课堂生动有趣,这就在很大程度上激发了我们的学习热情,从而使我们能够从学习中发现乐趣,坚持到底。 Second, it is more fun to learn from teachers. As we know, learning is a long process which requires a lot of patience and endurance to be carried on. This naturally poses a great challenge to us all: how can we make it? The answer is simple: to develop interest. As the saying goes, “Interest is the best teacher.” With interest, we would feel that learning, which used to be so boring, suddenly becomes so much fun and thus we are happy and self-motivated to learn. To do this is nothing easy because the entire process of learning is full of hardships and despairs. However, our teachers are capable of making their classroom teaching lively and interesting which in turn, can greatly arouse our passion and enthusiasm for learning and finally enable us to find fun in it, thus carrying it on and on. 当然,我们不能否认,自学也是必要的。如果期望一切都靠老师来教授,那是不现实的。再想想:老师跟我们在一起的时间毕竟是有限的,很多时候也就仅仅限于在课堂上的那些时间,课后老师无论如何也没有随时随地跟我们在一起了,这就需要我们具备自主学习的能力和习惯。 Of course, we can not deny the fact that self-learning is also indispensable. It is simply unrealistic to totally rely on our teachers for leaning everything. Just think: how much time can our teachers spend with us every day? Very limited, right? In most cases, they can only be together with us as long as their lectures last and have no way to be with us any longer. So, what are we supposed to do with this reality? To develop the ability and habit for self-study, namely, study by ourselves. 综上所述,在老师的指导下学习可以使学习本身成为一件轻松快乐的事情,但是我们也不能完全依赖老师,我们还需要投入很多时间和精力进行自学,只有这样的结合,才能保证我们能够学到知识、掌握知识。 Based on the above discussion, we see that leaning under the guidance of teachers can make the learning process itself easier and more enjoyable. However, we should never depend entirely on our teachers. We also need to invest a lot of time and effort into self-study and only by doing so can we be sure to really learn and gain knowledge. |