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The Beauty of Nature 大自然的美


Many years ago, I lived in my hometown, which was a small countryside, but I loved everything there. I remembered that the sky was very blue and the river was so clean that I could see fish swimming. I was so close to nature and I enjoyed what the nature brought to us. But now, when I go back to my hometown find that the environment has been polluted badly. I can barely see birds flying in the sky. I miss the beautiful nature. It is such shameful for people to destroy the environment. It is everybody's duty to protect the environment. We can't live if we don't get along well with nature. 
许多年前,我住在家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡,那是一个小乡村,但是我喜欢那里的一切。我记得,那时候天空很蓝,河水很干净,我可以看到鱼儿在游泳。我是如此的接触大自然,享受大自然给我们带来的一切。但是现在,当我回到家乡,我发现环境污染严重,我几乎看不到鸟儿在天上飞。我怀念美丽的大自然。人们破坏了环境是多么可耻啊。保护环境是每个人的责任,如果我们无法与自然和睦相处,那么就我们也就无法存活了。
