习惯的奴隶Creatures of Habit
Think a minute! You've probably heard the expression “A leopard can’t change its spot.” Which, of course, is true of leopards. But is it true of people? Can people change? Are we human just creatures of habit? Do we not have any control over our actions and habits? 思考一分钟!你很可能已经听过短语“江山易改本性难移”。当然,这对江山来说是适用的。但是对人也适用吗?人能改变吗?我们只是人类的奴隶吗?我们对我们的行为和习惯没有任何控制能力吗? One guy said, “Bad habits are like a comfortable bed: they’re easy to get into, but hard to get out of.” Someone else said, “The chains of habits takes effort, yet one of the greatest freedoms in life is the freedom from bad habits. 一个小伙子说,“坏习惯就像是一张舒适的床,很容易陷进去,但是很难走出来。”其他人说,“改掉习惯需要努力,而一生中最大的自由就是从坏习惯中解脱“。 Habits are like the roads we take through life everyday. The problem is not every road takes us where we need to go. Our routes through life become our ruts in life, which we end up stuck in and find it hard to dig ourselves out. That’s why we must change our bad habits as soon as possible before they become our “second nature”, because our habits become our character and our character becomes our life. As one wise person said, “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” 习惯就像是我们每天都要经过的路。问题是不是每一条路都能把我们带到我们需要去的地方。我们生活的路线成为我们生活的车辙,我们陷在里面无法自拔。这就是为什么我们在它变成第二个”本性“之前必须尽快改变我们的生活习惯,因为我们的习惯成就了我们的性格,而我们的性格成就了我们的生活。正如一位智者说,”首先是我们养成习惯,接着是习惯形成我们。“ But we humans don’t like to change, do we? So we come up with excuses, like: “I can’t be different, that’s just the way I am.” Or “I was born this way.” And the good old saying: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” But that’s just it, we’re not dogs or animals. In fact, we’re the only creatures who have the freedom and power to change and choose the kind of person we want to become. So what habits do you need to start changing today? 但是,我们人类不喜欢改变,是吗?所以我们找借口,比如:”我没有什么不同,那就是我“或者”我天生就是这样的“。有句老话说的好:”你不可能交一只老狗新的把戏。”但是那是狗,我们不是狗也不是动物。事实上,我们是唯一有自由和能力去改变和学则我们想要成为的那类人的生物。那么,今天你需要开始改变什么习惯呢? |