作弊是可耻的行为Cheating in Exams Is Shameful Conduct
Cheating in Exams Is Shameful Conduct 从第一次参加考试开始,学生们就被告知不能作弊。每个学生都能列出一堆作弊的坏处,但还是会有一些在考试中作弊被抓。 那些不了解他们应该学习什么和做什么而相信运气的人很有可能作弊。在本学期中他们不努力学习。他们的大部分时间是睡觉或虚度了。当他们意识到考试临近了,已经太晚去记整个学期的知识了。如此看来,为了通过考试,他们别无选择,只能偷看别人的纸或书或是找到一个代考者。此外,对某些科目考试的方式使得作弊更容易。例如,一些试题可以直接从课本或者笔记找到所有的答案。因此一些作弊的学生甚至可能对该学科一无所知的人很容易得高分。 To stop cheating is file work for both the teachers and the students. For the teachers, they should attach great importance to the test of the ability of using the knowledge to solve problems rather than the mechanical memory of textbooks. For the students, it is necessary to realize that cheating in exams is shameful conduct, and the future is full of sharp competition and any success achieved by cheating won't last long. So let us make a cheating-free campus and establish an honest academic atmosphere for today and tomorrow. 停止作弊对于教师和学生来说都是漫长的工作。对于老师来说,他们应该重视运用知识解决问题而不是教科书的机械记忆能力测试。对于学生来说,要认识到考试作弊是可耻的行为,并对未来充满了激烈的竞争,任何作弊得来的成功好景都不会长。为了今天和明天,让我们建立一个无作弊的校园、一个诚实的学术氛围。 |