Where There Is a Will There Is a Way 1.坚强的意志是成功的重要保证。 2.意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命, 3.学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才用。 Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will 没有坚强的意志将无法成功 As we have read from above, quitting-smoking seems easy, but in reality it is rarely achieved. There is something provoking and interesting in this paradox, just because sword does not wear the stone as dripping water does. 正如上面我们所读到的,戒烟看似简单但却很难成功。这个论点上令人深思的、有趣,仅仅因为剑不像水一样能够穿石。 The ability to do something over and over again in a short time may imply its easiness, but in a long run, a lifetime maybe, things turn out to be quite the opposite. Also, as is often the case, one may have obtained all the tools and opportunities to achieve something, but in the end they still fail due to the will shortage. 在短时间内可以重复做的事情可能意味着它的易性,但从长远来看,也许一辈子,事情就是完全不一样的了。同时,通常情况下,一个人可以拥有所有实现一些东西的工具和机会,但最后他们还是因为缺乏意志而失败了。 So how could we avoid the dilemma? Here is the prime condition of success: will and perseverance. Concentrate you energy, thought and mind exclusively on the business in which you are engaged, hang on in there and be patient, for, as Emerson put it, no one can cheat you out of your ultimate success but yourself. 那么我们怎样才能避免这样的困境呢?这是成功的首要条件:意志和毅力。集中你的精力想你所从事的事业,坚持下去,要有耐心,正如爱默生所说,除了你自己没有人能帮你取得最终的成功。 本文属于话题类作文,只看题目 “Nothing Succeeds without a strong will”考生会觉得比较抽象,难以下手。细看题目说明中给出了提示,要求考生结合戒烟屡次不成功的幽默引语对该话题进行分析阐述。 总体来说,这是一篇“中等偏上”的考生作文。本文先点题指出“坚强意志”的重要性;第二段从反面举例阐述——具体描写了意志不坚定者的心理活动,阐述为什么会戒烟失败;最后从戒烟延伸到生活中的其他事情,并复述坚强意志的内涵,点题收尾。 总体上来看,文章 思路清晰,采用了生动的比喻和形象的心理描写,语言流畅,用语地道。 但一些重复表达(如第二段和第三段中的weak will)显得单调,可用shaky ones, weak-willed persons,the strong-willed等灵活表达。在备考中,多积累不同表达,相信会写出更生动的文章。 在论述上,叙述略显罗嗦。第二段心理描写过多,虽然流畅生动,但却使这篇考场作文超过了规定字数,反而成为失分点,这一点要引以为戒。 |